The TWO FORMS of Christianity

Wales: The Once Holy Kingdom of the first century AD

Now flies The Flag of The Red Dragon!

Which reveals Two Distinct Forms of Christianity that have impacted our lives and nations today.

If you are not sure of the significance of this,

please read Revelation Chapter 12 below.

Revelation Chapter 12.

1. Now a Great Sign appeared in Heaven:

a Woman clothed with the Sun, with The Moon under her feet,

and on her Head a Garland of Twelve stars.

2. Then being with child, she cried out in labour and in pain to give birth.

3. And another Sign appeared in Heaven: A Great Fiery Red Dragon!

4. His Tail drew a Third of The Stars of Heaven and threw them to The Earth.

And The Dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born!

5. She Bore A Male Child who was To Rule All Nations with A Rod of Iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His Throne.


Michael and his angels fought with the Dragon, and the Dragon and his angels fought, BUT THEY DID NOT PREVAIL!

Nor was a place found for them in Heaven any longer.

9. So The Great Dragon was cast out, that Serpent of Old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world! He was cast To The Earth and his angels were cast out with him!

10. “Now Salvation, and Strength, and The Kingdom of Our God, and The Power of His Christ have Come, for The Accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God Day and Night, has been cast down.

11. And they Overcame him by The Blood of The Lamb

and by The Word of their testimony,

and they did not love their lives to the death.

12. Therefore rejoice, O Heavens, and you who dwell in them!

Woe to the inhabitants of The Earth and The Sea!

For the devil has come down to you, having Great Wrath,

because he Knows that he has a Short time.”

13. Now, when the Dragon saw that he had been cast to the Earth,

he persecuted the woman who gave birth to The Male Child.

14. But the woman was given two wings of a Great Eagle! That she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, FAR from the presence of the serpent.

15. So The Serpent Spewed water out of his mouth Like A Flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by The Flood.

16. But the Earth Helped the woman, and The Earth Opened its mouth and swallowed up The Flood which the Dragon had spewed out of his mouth.

17. And the Dragon was Enraged with the woman!

And he went to make War with the rest of her offspring,

Who Keep The Commandments of God

And Have The Testimony of Jesus Christ.


PART 1: The Historical Evidence

Credit for The Holy Scriptures

Credit for the Welsh Research

The Royal College of The Christians in Wales.

Joseph of Arimathea and

The Cor Eurgain.

The Overstated Roman Conversion of Britain

Llantwit Major, the Cor Eurgain, founded as early as AD 36.

King Caradog and his family are famous in Welsh records

for welcoming The Apostolic Mission into Britain.

The Neglected Welsh Accounts

Such as The Welsh Triads, and the equally neglected Lives of Saints.

They contain clear and accurate accounts of how Saint ILID, the Biblical Joseph of Arimathea, came to South Wales at the request of Caradog’s saintly daughter, Eurgain, who is credited with being the first British convert to the ‘new religion of following The Teachings of Christ’ which is more rightly termed, “The Way”.

This is confirmed in the Genealogy of Iestyn.

And it is clear from this that the Cor Eurgain at Llantwit Major was the original meeting place for teaching and worship. This tradition linking Wales with Joseph of Arimathea is well documented. And he went on to convert the king of England in AD 43.

How the Red Cross flag of Saint George became The Royal Banner of England.

(Taken from The British Chronicles of Hardynge.)

Joseph of Arimathea converted this king Arviragus of England (Gweirydd) by his preaching to know The Divine Laws and baptized him by full immersion and made him incline to Christian Laws. He gave him a shield of silver and a banner white and long with a red cross. These arms were used throughout all Britain for a common sign of each man’s nation long before the concept of Saint George was generated or worshipped.                           (p 130).

PART 1: The Historical Evidence

Wales: The Once Holy Kingdom of the first century AD is an account of TWO particular Forms of Christianity that have impacted not only Britain, but also the whole world.

The First and Original Form of Christianity

is the original doctrine of man’s obedience to His Maker’s instructions as given in The Genesis Account of Creation.

Adam was made from the dust of the earth and was Created in God’s own image.

Adam lived and walked and talked with The LORD daily in paradise until the woman, Eve, the mother of all living, was deceived by that Serpent of Old, the devil himself, and both Adam and Eve took and ate the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Sin and death entered the world by man’s disobedience, and death reigned until the time of Moses and the First Passover, and then, once free to serve The LORD in the Wilderness, The Laws of Redemption were given in Writing on Tablets of Stone by The Finger of God during Moses’ Forty Days on Mount Sinai.

However, this was not a new concept. Even Abel understood that an Offering of a lamb from the flock was acceptable to God. But his brother Cain became angry about this and rose up and killed his own brother! And Abel’s shed blood cries out from the earth to this day.

This concept of The Lamb of God takes away the Sin of the world has continued to this day and was fulfilled in Christ Jesus being made The Passover Lamb offering for our Sins. This is confirmed in all the prophets and the Laws of Moses. And is the Sound Doctrine taught to all The LORD’s disciples, the Twelve, and The Seventy also, equipping them with,

“Authority over UNCLEAN spirits,

and power to cure all manner of disease and sicknesses.

Even to raising the dead to new life.”

No other God or religion can do these supernatural things,

“Confirming The WORD of The LORD Preached

with Signs following.”

The Second Form of ‘Christianity’

is also very ancient and has its roots in rebellion against God’s Holy Word! Confirming that, “Disobedience is DEADLY!”

“Your rebellion” He says, “is like witchcraft!”

Witchcraft and rebellion are products of The Underworld, and they work through the weakness of men’s fleshly attitudes that allow him to agree with ungodly thoughts and actions. As such it is a complete counterfeit to Real and Righteous Christianity and comes from those who have left the Original and Sound Doctrine of Obedience in favour of a lesser commitment but greatly reduced Apostolic authority! And also comes through others who, as The Way of Truth and truly following Christ grew in numbers and power throughout the whole Roman Empire, joined The More Excellent Way by intrigue!

The research into this Second Form of Christianity has been inspired by some Ancient Welsh Historical Documents that have made interesting connections with The Biblical Texts, names, places, and history, as revealed in The Holy Scriptures, both the New and Old Testaments.

First it would be good to explain that there are Two very Strong, and Supernatural Kingdoms at work in the world and in our lives, whether we believe it or not. Unbelief or denial of these spiritual forces does not render them ineffective or make them go away. Rather, unbelief widens the door to deception and blinds us to the coming judgement of the ungodly.

Both of these kingdoms are invisible, but both are discernible!

In The LORD’s own Words:

“You will know them by their fruits!”

First: The Kingdom of Heaven.

This is the First and foremost kingdom because it was Created and Set In Order on Day One of the Creation Week. It is invisible because it operates from Heaven and is within you, and The God of Heaven is its source of power and authority. It’s a very bright and clean kingdom of light, love, purity of heart, and forgiveness for all that was not so previously pure and holy.

This Kingdom of Heaven leads to an Eternal Life of a Quality that is beyond man’s imagination and that is an Enormous Benefit, even to the planet we live on! Of the Kingdom of Heaven He says, “It is My Father’s Good Pleasure to give You The Keys to the Kingdom” and in so doing will RETURN YOU TO having access to The Lost Paradise of a Walk with The Lord and the associated Apostolic Authority that mankind lost when Adam Sinned. He was warned by his Creator that, “In the day that you take and eat the fruit of The Forbidden Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, you will DIE.”

We were never meant to have a mixture of good and evil dwelling in a body that was ordained to be “The Temple of The Holy Spirit Himself!”

This offer of a “Change of Management” is available to all who will turn from their godless ways and Follow the Teachings of The Jewish Messiah in The Divine and Designated Ways which are both Spoken personally (The Rhema Word) and Written in The Scriptures (The Logos Word). His Commandments are not grievous, nor even as awesome as they sound. They are simply His instructions on how to love Him, The LORD YOUR GOD with all of your heart and with all of your soul. And to love your neighbour as yourself!

Obedience to this Divine Love fulfils all the Law and all the prophets!

Which is why He says,

“Sacrifice and Offerings I did not desire.

But obedience to My Words.”

The voice that came from Heaven when Peter, James, and John were with The Lord Jesus, Moses, and Elijah on The Mount of Transfiguration confirmed that,

“This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.

Listen to Him! And to what He has to say!”

Jesus of Nazareth whom He Raised from among The Dead!

Second: The Kingdom of Darkness.

This Kingdom of Darkness is quite the opposite to The Kingdom of Light!

It is dismal to say the least, for it can only bring forth Death and all that leads to a serious loss of life! Afflictions, disease, distress, depression, desolations, famine, pestilence, judgements, war, and Uncleanness, in the Jewish sense that being ‘unclean’ no one can appear BOLDLY and Blameless in the presence of The LORD GOD who Created you and will have to judge you by the Righteous Standards of His Only Begotten Son.

Living an existence under the influence of Darkness will also leave you open to every evil oppression of the devil that will make your life unbearable difficult. For, The Wages of Sin is DEATH.

But the Gift of God is Eternal Life,

through Jesus Christ Our LORD.

Lucifer will tempt you with much worldly wealth but give you nothing of true and everlasting value!

Having Two Kingdoms is no accident of nature!

It is A Divine Test for Mankind.

And it’s not a new thing.

“Whom will You serve?” has been The Big Question ever since Adam walked with The LORD in Paradise. It was repeated to Cain when he killed his brother, to Abraham to leave his own household and go to a land he did not know, to Jacob who wrestled with God all night and became Israel and the nation of Hebrews, to Issac and Ishmael who are still in conflict to this day, and to ALL the children of Israel in The Wilderness. And, finally to us in these Last Days when there are still many other gods to choose from!

“Beware! The gods of the nations are idols and carved images, and what they sacrifice to them is sacrificed to demons!” However, these so-called gods of the nations are completely impotent against the Light of The Kingdom of Heaven shining in a believer’s heart.

They can do you no harm!

But neither will they do you any good.

Credit for The HOLY Scriptures must be given to the Creator Himself.

As He says of the Scriptures in The Second Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy, chapters 3 and 4:

“All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God Himself.


for CORRECTION, and for INSTRUCTION in Righteousness,

so that a Man of God may be COMPLETE,


“In The BEGINNING was The WORD!”


“I, Paul, Charge You therefore, before The LORD God of Israel and The LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who will Judge the living and the dead, at His Second Appearing from Heaven, with ALL His Saints!

PREACH The WORD In Season and Out of Season.



For The Time WILL COME when many will NOT endure SOUND DOCTRINE.

But according to their own desires, will turn away from The Truth that is in Christ Jesus, and be engulfed in mere FABLES.




These are some of the Words that were given to The Twelve, and later to The Seventy also. Commanding them to,

“Go into all the world and MAKE DISCIPLES of All nations.

Teaching them to teach others also

All The Things that I have commanded you,

even to the End of This Age!”

This “Even to The End of This Age” means that it is an Everlasting commandment, and The WORDS and WORKS have NOT changed!

These WORDS of Scripture convey the Real Faith of The Son of God as bestowed upon us when under The Kingdom and Dominion of Heaven.

They also convey The Kingdom’s Authority to demonstrate its powers to HEAL and to SAVE from ALL SINS! It is a very real and personal Salvation that is available to all who will repent and believe on The LORD Jesus!

Credit for the Welsh Research:

Done with considerable enthusiasm I might add, goes to the authors and researchers, Adrian Gilbert, Alan Wilson, and Baram Blackett. Their research is part of their “Quest For The Real King Arthur.” A stitching together of many ancient items recorded in Ancient Welsh Literature, which sadly has been repressed for decades in preference to the writings of their English conquerors, who have not always been on the winning side.

King Arthur is very relevant to this history, since his name appears in its Welsh form in many documents that are not readily available unless one reads Welsh!Kings often held ‘Court’ in many places, and there are several claiming to be just that. The most well-known is Tintagel in Cornwall. It’s only a short distance across the Bristol Channel from South Wales, Gwent, and Glamorgan where much of the action in this account took place.

Joseph of Arimathea

Their book, The Holy Kingdom reveals recently found archaeological evidence in stone that Joseph of Arimathea, had visited Wales as early as AD 34! Only a year after the crucifixion.

The author claims that this Joseph was one of ‘The LORD’s Seventy’, but this cannot be confirmed in the Gospels of the Canon of Scripture.

However, the Gospels do say that this Joseph was a rich man, a secret disciple of The Way (for fear of the Jews), and that he was on the Jewish council (which makes him one of The Seventy Elders of Israel), but he did not agree with their actions to betray his Messiah to the Romans. Remember that at that time the position of High Priest was no longer the exclusive and commanded ‘Sons of Aaron only’ but was open to the highest bidder.

So Who was Joseph of Arimathea?

Source: YouTube’s, Solved. Who was Joseph of Arimathea?

  1. ‘Some scholars’ say there is no such place as Arimathea. But some of these so-called ‘scholars’ were of Roman Catholic Origin and were definitely NOT as accurate and precise as The Scribes of the Hebrews.
  • The New Testament was written in Three languages.

Hebrew, Market-place Greek, and Aramaic.

The Greek version went West into the Roman Empire.

The Aramaic went East.

In the Aramaic Arimathea is shortened to Ramah of the Hill Country.

Ramah is where Mary went after SEEING her cousin Elizabeth who was also expecting!

  • Mary, Elizabeth, and her husband Zechariah The Priest were Levites

of the Order of the Katharites, SONS of AARON as Commanded.

  • In the Genealogy of Matthew’s Gospel there are only 13 generations

listed to Christ. Not 14 as the others.

This can be explained by the use of two different Words, Joseph the man of Mary, and Joseph the husband of Mary.

Joseph the man of Mary, has the meaning kinsman redeemer. Suggesting from Jewish culture that Mary at some time had lost her husband and her nearest kinsman redeemer had adopted her as wife.

  • This Joseph the man of Mary lived in Ramah, Arimathea.

And Mary went to him and her family to complete her term.

Except that Herod’s decree of Census and Taxation drove her and her husband Joseph to Bethlehem of The House of David.

The amazing thing about The Seventy is that they too, like The Twelve, were given authority over Unclean spirits, and to cast out demons, and to heal all manner of sickness and disease. Being thus equipped, they were sent out to preach the gospel to all the places He was about to visit. When they returned, they were rejoicing that “Even the spirits are subject to us In Your Miracle-Working Name!”

However, He said to them, “Do not rejoice in this alone, but rejoice that your names are Written in Heaven.” And The Lord further rejoiced and said,

“I SAW Satan fall like lightening from Heaven!”

To realise the reality of this cataclysmic event is going to be an important part of your victory over evil, and over all the power of the enemy!

Never, ever, lose sight of it.

In those days Welsh Christians did not worship in churches like the Druids before them. They held their gatherings in an Open-Air Cor (or Llan), which is a Circular Earthwork, meaning Sacred Circle. The purpose of this Sacred Circle has been totally misunderstood by archaeologists, not considering Welsh History or the true dating of the meeting places.

King Caradog and his family are famous in Welsh records for their war effort against the Roman invasion of Wales, and for welcoming the Apostolic mission into Britain and helping the Culdee Church to become established as early as AD 36.

The Welsh Triads, and the equally neglected Lives of Saints, contain clear and accurate accounts of how Saint ILID, namely Joseph of Arimathea, came at the request of Caradog’s saintly daughter, Eurgain, who is credited with being the first British convert to the ‘new religion’ which is more rightly termed, “The Way”.

Our Lord Himself said,

“I AM The WAY, The TRUTH, and The LIFE.

No man comes to The Father but by Me.”

This concept of A More Excellent WAY to Follow and Fulfil The Laws of Moses was practised and taught by the Essenes in a community at Qumran on the shores of the Dead Sea. The discovery of The Dead Sea Scrolls has confirmed the accuracy of the Hebrew Scriptures Word for Word from fifteen hundred years before Christ!

A testimony to the diligence of the Scribes.

Amongst these long-lost scrolls was a full copy of The Book of the Prophecy of Isaiah, including chapter 53, which proclaims The LORD’s death by Roman crucifixion in no uncertain way.

“He was led as a Lamb to the slaughter.

When you make His soul an offering for SIN,

HE shall SEE His Seed.

He shall also SEE the awful travail of His soul

and be totally SATISFIED!”

Isaiah 53:7-11.

The Jews today are discouraged from reading this chapter 53 of Isaiah because it is so explicit about the one that they wounded and pierced! And yet the whole Scroll is proudly displayed for all to see as the centre piece in the nuclear strike proof museum of The Shrine of The Book in Jerusalem.

The Ethiopian Book of Enoch

Amongst these long-lost scrolls was also found multiple copies of The Books of Enoch, suggesting that it was used as a textbook and that its contents were taught as part of ‘The More Excellent Way’. Multiple copies were also found in Ethiopia suggesting similar use and reverence of his writings. I don’t easily read other stuff, so I first checked out Enoch in the Scriptures. He has much to recommend him, not least that Enoch did not die, but was taken up to Heaven, as was Elijah the prophet. And having walked with The Lord for three hundred years I decided this must be a man worth listening to.

All The Secrets of Righteousness

The first verse settled it. It is addressed to us who live in The Last Days. Then he is taken up to Heaven and shown All The Secrets of Righteousness which turn out to be The Very Precise Order of Creation and how Everything Continues as it was In The Beginning.

Travel to the British Isles by sea was established long before the Romans. And there is also ancient written evidence that before the Global Flood of Noah’s days, Enoch, who had walked with The LORD for 300 years, had been shown the Day/night ratios recorded in his Book of The Luminaries of Heaven. Astronomers have calculated them to have been observed at the latitude of Britain, which could well have been the observatory of Old Wood Henge, and of Newgrange in Ireland. And Enoch would have certainly carried with him a testimony of The More Excellent Way and All the Secrets of Righteousness.

So, the Cor Eurgain which was founded by the Apostle Joseph of Arimathea in AD 34 could be considered as The Original Church of The Way in Britain. A Church established on the Sound Doctrine and Faith held and taught by the early apostles of The LORD Himself!

The WORD confirmed with Miracles, Signs, and Wonders!

Their preaching of The WORD was always confirmed with Miracles of healing, Signs, and Wonders done at the hands of the apostles!

Originally The Holy Estate of Joseph of Arimathea, was a place called Llanilid, the Holy Estate of (in Welsh) St ILID, who tutored King Bran the Blessed.

And at Llantwit Major there was also The Royal College of Christians.

Sited towards the ancient kingdom of Essylwg, which is now Glamorgan-Gwent, and on the upper reaches of the Ewenny River, lies Mynydd Gaer, Fortress Mountain, the site of Caer Caradog, where King Caradog had his castle and near where he fought his last battle with the Romans. The term ‘The Conversion of Britain’ is a gross overstatement that neglects several failed attempts by the Romans, and that only a partial occupation of Wales and Scotland was ever achieved. This is confirmed in the Genealogy of Iestyn the son of Gwrgan.

Caradog built a palace, after the manner of the Romans at now St Donats. His daughter Eurgain married a Roman chieftain who accompanied her to Cambria. This chieftain had been converted to Christianity, as well as his wife Eurgain, who first introduced The Faith among the Cambro-Britons and sent for Ilid (a native of Israel), that is Joseph of Arimathea. He became the principal teacher of Christianity to the Cambro-Britons, and introduced good order into the Cor of Eurgain, which she had established for 12 saints near Llantwit.

It is clear from this that The Cor Eurgain was the original church at Llantwit Major. This tradition linking Wales with Joseph of Arimathea as St Ilid is well documented. He also went on to convert the king of England (Lloegres) at the time of the Claudia invasion in AD43. Like Caradog, the high king of all Britain, King Arviragus (Gweirydd) also a Welshman, was proved to be ‘A Tough Nut To Crack’. And the converted Gweirydd gave twelve portions of land to the saints.

In acknowledgement of his role as battle-sovereign against the pagan Romans, Joseph gave Gweirydd king of England a banner of a Red Cross on a white background. It is England’s Royal banner to this day.

In the British Chronicles of Hardynge it says,

Joseph of Arimathea converted this king Arviragus of England (Gweirydd) by his preaching to know The Divine Laws and baptized him (by full immersion) as writes Nennius, the chronicler in Britain. And made him incline to Christian Laws. He gave him a shield of silver and a banner white and long (with a red cross). These arms were used throughout all Britain for a common sign of each man’s nation. (p 130).

The marriage of Genuissa to Gweirydd, which was central to the peace initiative between the Romans and Brits, is recorded in the Brut Tysylio:

Gweirydd, King of England, after a bloody battle was obliged to retreat to Winchester. Claudius followed him hoping to blockade him. But Gweirydd, aware of his intention, determined to oppose him in the field. This determination induced Claudius to send proposals of peace, which were accepted. To confirm it Claudius promised his daughter Genuissa in marriage, who was of uncommon beauty. She came from Rome and was married to Gweirydd, King of England!  (p 131)

The Trading in Peace Strategy of Rome

It is a strategy of Rome to prefer ‘Trading in Peace and Profit’ rather than the continued high costs of war. To this end the Roman Empire has adopted The Spirit of Mithras, the ruling spirit of the Persian Empire, now Iran, to reconcile its individual waring districts to a state of Paying Tribute in Taxes to Rome, and some very profitable trading! It’s a fulfilment of the Scripture,

“He will destroy many with the multitude of his trading!”

Mithras: Its Origins and Supernatural Reconciliation

Recent archaeological evidence also found in stone in Persia depicts Mithras as a male priest-like spirit emerging from the underworld via a stone portal and slaughtering a bull. Taurus the Bull is a major symbol of both the Arabian Moon god and of the Roman father of gods, Zeus. Mithraism, the worship of Mithras, is a similar underground secret society to that of the later Freemasons. A derivative of the Roman Catholic Crusaders who so angered the Pope of the time and the French kings that had sponsored their crusades, that many were slaughtered. But they never found the vast treasure that had been secreted out from the Holy Land via the Templar Treasure City of Acco. The remnants fled to England, and later Scotland. Establishing the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and a similar based at an elaborate chapel in Rosslare, just south of Edinburgh.

The Underworld waring spirit of Mithras is considered to have the supernatural ability to ‘Reconcile The Impossible’ and can produce a military and cultural unity of previously enemy states that is then able to conquer a stronger foe! But in the process actually weakens those who are reconciled! So, by this massive spiritual deception Mithras turns ‘Divine Reconciliation’ which is one of the most desirable Tools in the universe for Making Peace and preventing further costly wars, into A Weapon For Making War and weakening whole empires made up of the many kings and kingdoms of this Earth.

This spirit of Mithras has continually weakened the successive Empires of the world. The recent archaeological evidence found in Persia confirms that Mithras first intruded on world affairs by the reconciliation of the Persians and Medes. Two previously separate principalities within the Babylonian Empire were reconciled in order to overcome GREAT BABYLON which The LORD had made GREAT and had used to punish and correct for their own good, the Hebrews of Judah by exile to Babylon for seventy years. The Hebrews had very foolishly flatly refused to Keep The Sabbath Day of Rest for seventy weeks!

This should increase our understanding and appreciation of The Lion of The Tribe of Judah taking the title, “KING of kings!” and “LORD of lords!”

The Iron does not mix with The Clay.

Yes, the Iron of Rome does Not Mix with the Clay of Humanity!

Hence, we have the vision in The Book of Daniel that Babylon (the Head of Gold) will be succeeded by an inferior kingdom, the Persians and Medes (the chest of silver). The Greek Empire (the torso of bronze) under Alexander the Great, when he died, was divided into four parts to his four uncles, which rendered it even more inferior and the more easily overcome by the Iron of the Roman Empire. Rome was never the colossus that it is often made out to be, but suffered much infighting and is depicted as having Two Legs of Iron. Then the apparently strong Two Legs of Iron of the Roman Empire are depicted as ‘standing on feet and foes of iron and clay’.

But the IRON of Rome does not mix with the workable CLAY of humanity, and is therefore very fragile, and easily shattered.

Caradog’s daughter Gwladys (by adoption from Emperor Claudius I), was a red-haired Briton and a Real Christian. She rocked the pagan boat in Rome with her confession of Faith in The Jewish Messiah being raised from the dead! Tacitus tells of how she was tried for following ‘foreign superstition’ – a charge used to designate the Real Christianity. Fortunately, she was acquitted by her magistrate husband.

At this time there were two Christian Congregations, Jewish and Gentile, amongst the pagans of Rome. When the debate over the circumcision of the Gentiles not being necessary for salvation was settled, they merged into The One Body and The One Faith in Christ that they were intended to be. And the house of Gwladys Claudia and Rufus Pudens became the most important centre of True Christian worship in Rome. What clinched this Unity and Fullness of The FAITH was the fact that The LORD had seen fit to pour out His Holy Spirit on the Gentiles too at the house of Cornelius, a devout God-fearing Centurian of the Italian Regiment. Both Peter and Cornelius had received visions of this, and Peter being a Jew was no longer to call anything common or Unclean that The LORD had made CLEAN by the fulfilling of that spoken by the prophet Joel in chapter 2,

“In the Last Days I will pour out My Spirit upon ALL flesh!”

The Trading in Peace Strategy of Rome

It is a strategy of Rome to prefer ‘Trading in Peace and Profit’ rather than the continued high costs of war. To this end the Roman Empire has adopted The Spirit of Mithras, the ruling spirit of the Persian Empire, now Iran, to reconcile its individual waring districts to a state of Paying Tribute in Taxes to Rome, and some very profitable trading! It’s a fulfilment of the Scripture,

“He will destroy many with the multitude of his trading!”

Mithras: Its Origins and Supernatural Reconciliation

Recent archaeological evidence also found in stone in Persia depicts Mithras as a male priest-like spirit emerging from the underworld via a stone portal and slaughtering a bull. Taurus the Bull is a major symbol of both the Arabian Moon god and of the Roman father of gods, Zeus. Mithraism, the worship of Mithras, is a similar underground secret society to that of the later Freemasons. A derivative of the Roman Catholic Crusaders who so angered the Pope of the time and the French kings that had sponsored their crusades, that many were slaughtered. But they never found the vast treasure that had been secreted out from the Holy Land via the Templar Treasure City of Acco. The remnants fled to England, and later Scotland. Establishing the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and a similar based at an elaborate chapel in Rosslare, just south of Edinburgh.

The Underworld waring spirit of Mithras is considered to have the supernatural ability to ‘Reconcile The Impossible’ and can produce a military and cultural unity of previously enemy states that is then able to conquer a stronger foe! But in the process actually weakens those who are reconciled! So, by this massive spiritual deception Mithras turns ‘Divine Reconciliation’ which is one of the most desirable Tools in the universe for Making Peace and preventing further costly wars, into A Weapon For Making War and weakening whole empires made up of the many kings and kingdoms of this Earth.

This spirit of Mithras has continually weakened the successive Empires of the world. The recent archaeological evidence found in Persia confirms that Mithras first intruded on world affairs by the reconciliation of the Persians and Medes. Two previously separate principalities within the Babylonian Empire were reconciled in order to overcome GREAT BABYLON which The LORD had made GREAT and had used to punish and correct for their own good, the Hebrews of Judah by exile to Babylon for seventy years. The Hebrews had very foolishly flatly refused to Keep The Sabbath Day of Rest for seventy weeks!

This should increase our understanding and appreciation of The Lion of The Tribe of Judah taking the title, “KING of kings!” and “LORD of lords!”

The Iron does not mix with The Clay.

Yes, the Iron of Rome does Not Mix with the Clay of Humanity!

Hence, we have the vision in The Book of Daniel that Babylon (the Head of Gold) will be succeeded by an inferior kingdom, the Persians and Medes (the chest of silver). The Greek Empire (the torso of bronze) under Alexander the Great, when he died, was divided into four parts to his four uncles, which rendered it even more inferior and the more easily overcome by the Iron of the Roman Empire. Rome was never the colossus that it is often made out to be, but suffered much infighting and is depicted as having Two Legs of Iron. Then the apparently strong Two Legs of Iron of the Roman Empire are depicted as ‘standing on feet and foes of iron and clay’.

But the IRON of Rome does not mix with the workable CLAY of humanity, and is therefore very fragile, and easily shattered.

Caradog’s daughter Gwladys (by adoption from Emperor Claudius I), was a red-haired Briton and a Real Christian. She rocked the pagan boat in Rome with her confession of Faith in The Jewish Messiah being raised from the dead! Tacitus tells of how she was tried for following ‘foreign superstition’ – a charge used to designate the Real Christianity. Fortunately, she was acquitted by her magistrate husband.

At this time there were two Christian Congregations, Jewish and Gentile, amongst the pagans of Rome. When the debate over the circumcision of the Gentiles not being necessary for salvation was settled, they merged into The One Body and The One Faith in Christ that they were intended to be. And the house of Gwladys Claudia and Rufus Pudens became the most important centre of True Christian worship in Rome. What clinched this Unity and Fullness of The FAITH was the fact that The LORD had seen fit to pour out His Holy Spirit on the Gentiles too at the house of Cornelius, a devout God-fearing Centurian of the Italian Regiment. Both Peter and Cornelius had received visions of this, and Peter being a Jew was no longer to call anything common or Unclean that The LORD had made CLEAN by the fulfilling of that spoken by the prophet Joel in chapter 2,

“In the Last Days I will pour out My Spirit upon ALL flesh!”

If these were The Real Days of Passover,

we would have seen all these things that lead to The Atoning Death of Jesus Christ on The Roman Cross:

Then Joseph of Arimathea and the disciples took Him down, so that the body was not left on view for The Sabbath Day of Rest and feasting.

He is then laid in a Tomb that has not been used before,

The Stone is Sealed! And a Roman Guard is set to prevent any fraud!

(for the rumour of Resurrection after Three Days is widely realised!)

He lies in the Sealed Tomb for Three Nights and Three Days.

In The Jewish Calendar, sundown to sundown.

Matthew 28.

Now, after The Sabbath, as The First Day of The Jewish Week began to dawn,

So, that is the dawn of Sunday morning.

Mary Magdalene, Out of whom He had cast Seven Devils!

And the other Mary, CAME TO SEE THE TOMB.

And there was a Great Earthquake!

For an angel of The LORD descended from Heaven, “and came and ROLLED BACK THE STONE from the door,” and sat on it.

His countenance was like lightening, and His clothing as white as snow!

The guards shook for fear of Him and became like DEAD MEN.

But the angel answered the women,

“Do not be afraid.

For I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.

HE IS NOT HERE; FOR HE IS RISEN, just as He said.

COME, SEE The Place where The LORD lay.

And go quickly and tell His disciples that,

HE IS RISEN from the DEAD!

And indeed, He is going before you into The Galilee.

There You Will See Him!”

“Behold, I have told you.”

9 And as they went, Jesus met them, saying,


Do not be afraid.

Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee,

And there they will SEE Me.”

The Soldiers are Bribed!

They, the Chief Priests, and Elders, gave a large sum of money, saying, “Tell them ‘His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept!’ and if this ever comes to the governor’s ears, we will appease him and make your lives and jobs secure.” For, under Roman Law, to loose a prisoner meant a death sentence!

To this day, this saying is widely reported among the Jews because the death and resurrection of The Christ of The Holy Scriptures are the core ingredients of, The One Faith, One Lord, One Baptism of full immersion, and The One Hope of our calling.

FOR, If Christ is NOT RISEN then we are still in our SINS!

Therefore, any Erroneous Assumption about The Cross of Christ warrants Further Investigation.

Quote: When Joseph of Arimathea and the disciples took Him down from the cross in AD 33 and arrived in Llantwit Major, South Wales shortly after in AD 34 there is a distinct possibility that The Cross on which Our Saviour was crucified could also have been brought over as‘A Treasured Relic of Our Redemption!’ Unquote.

The Correction from The Scriptural Evidence:

“Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus, and he ordered it so.” It is, therefore, more correct to say, Joseph of Arimathea only received The Body of Christ and took it to his new tomb, carved in the rock. No mention of the disciples or women ‘taking Him down!’ plus, it was near The Sabbath Day of Rest and the handling of the big old timbers of a Roman cross would not be allowed under Jewish Law!

Unfortunately it is a common practice of Roman Catholicism to venerate suchmerely physical, but deemed, ‘Saintly Relics’. Another such example is the workshop of Joseph in Nazareth. It has had to be closed to visitors because ‘the pen-knife people’ have dug out so much of the walls believing that they had ‘healing properties!’

So, let’s look at the authors’ description of where ‘The Cross in the Wall’ is said to be located.

P 156. A small country lane to Caermead, not far from Llantwit Major. Request permission at the Farmhouse. Very significant remains, of a Royal nature, as only a king would have the resources to build on that scale. Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett therefore believe it is an ancient palace of the kings of Glamorgan! And it is they who are said to have endowed Llantwit Major with the Original Old Cor Eurgain.

The main building extends over 2 acres and dates about 150 AD and is by no means all of the Site. A small secret dig revealed intact murals and mosaics. Yet these ruins lie entirely neglected and the question of who exactly built them remains unanswered.

The Empress Helena

The Empress Helena (265-336) was indeed a British princess of Royal lineage. And because of ‘The Royal Intermarrying’ of Brits with Roman Officers of High Rank, she became the mother of Constantine the Great (288 – to 27 May 337, only 49 years) but who became ruler over the entire Roman Empire in 324. Helena for a long time ruled the Empire in partnership with her son. But it was Constantine, via the Nicene Decree of 325 AD, that made his perceived version of Christianity ‘The Official Religion of The Roman Empire’.

Helena and Constantine are credited with being ‘strong Christian believers’, but this did not continue in Constantine after his mother’s strong influence had passed away. Constantine desperately needed to strengthen his already divided Empire. He did this by combining the Roman pagan worship of a plethora of deities, with the now flourishing ‘Worship of The Saints’.

Both being abominations in the eyes of The LORD GOD of Israel!

The Nicene Decree made from Constantinople in AD 325 achieved this by persuading the pagans to serve their deities using the same names as the saints, and the reward of new and brightly decorated meeting places. Hence, we now have the old Roman statue of Zeus worshipped as ‘Saint Peter’ in the richly elaborate Vatican’s Basilica of St Peter! None of this is a good indication of Constantine being a strong Christian believer.

The Roman Empire executed Saint Peter, and now venerate him as‘The Rock upon which the church is built’. Making of themselves, ‘The Builders who rejected the revelation of The Cornerstone of Christ’.

This was in no way a Christian approach to the problem of Roman weakness! In Christ there is Strength in the UNITY of The FAITH of The Son of God.

Not in worship of other gods, which are not gods.

Worship of other gods BREAKS The FIRST COMMANDMENT.

The claim that The Cross of Christ was found by Helena cannot be true.

The story goes, that whilst her son was building his new imperial city Constantinople, now Istanbul, Empress Helena went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Sinai. Accompanied by a formidable bodyguard, she entered the Holy City and demanded that its leaders hand over the true cross on which Christ had been crucified. After an exchange of threats and excuses, three pieces of timber were eventually brought out. She was told that one of them was the True Cross she was looking for, the other two being those of the two thieves. The dilemma of ‘Which one?’ was solved when a sick woman was miraculously cured after touching one of them.

Meanwhile, and this could be true, she employed goldsmiths to cover the chosen piece of wood with gold, silver, and jewels, and had it encased in a Silver Casket. She took ship, and evidence from several ancient sources has it that she brought it back to her homeland of Britain, more specifically to Wales.

All over Wales there are ancient roads called ‘The Causeways of Helen’ – what seems to have happened is that Helen then paraded the ‘Gold Gilded Cross’ around the country on a Grand Tour. A sort of ‘Pilgrim’s Way’ of cross related names – the Pass of the cross, Mountain of the cross, etc.

The final destination of the Cross is recorded in The King’s Lists for the wedding of Owen, son of Hywell the Good, of Dyfed. It clearly states that, at the time of writing, around 920, the Cross was in Dyfed South-West Wales. There is no further record of the Cross being moved, and therefore it is probably still in Dyfed. But where?

Wherever it is must be considered ‘A Holy and Royal Site’ in the Roman mind set. And in Dyfed we have places named after places she must have visited on her pilgrimage, Gethsemane, Bethlehem, Dinas Cross, Jerico, and Constantinople, where it is thought she spent her last 10 years. Prior to the building of St David’s in the sixth century, the most celebrated holy place in the Dyfed area was a Catholic church at Nevern, on the Afon Nyfer, the Holy or Heavenly River.

Directions to Nevern:

Follow the M4 to the end and the old road north to Haverfordwest, skirt the Prescelly mountains to Fishguard. Double back eastwards on the coast road to Cardigan, and Nevern. Inside the church a memorial stone with ancient Irish alphabet letters indicate a sizeable Irish Catholic population.

A short drive up a very steep and winding road took us to a gateway leading to a grassy enclosure, Castell Nanhyfer. Castle of the Sanctuary. The highest point commanding the Valley of Nanhyfer. This castle was demanded as a dowry when a political marriage was arranged between a minor Welsh princess and a young Norman nobleman. The local Welsh prince FLATLY REFUSED! And was prepared to risk outright war before he would surrender it. There was some sort of secret involved to which the Normans were not going to be made privy because the then Norman Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, and his companions were acting as spies under the cover of recruiting soldiers for The ROMAN Crusades!

Below the castle is the cliff face on which is sculpted ‘The Pilgrim’s Cross’.

To reach it park near the church, cross the road and onto a path that flanked the cliff. About 100 yards and there it is. ‘The Pilgrim’s Cross of Nevern’. In the lower portion of the cross is a wall cunningly disguised to look like part of the cliff. In all this wall is 9 feet high and 9 feet wide.

At one time pilgrims came in their thousands to kneel on the ledge and pray for a vision, not of the Virgin Mary or The Christ, but of the Cross! This has a huge potential for controversy amongst religious academics and interested parties have encountered serious opposition to any investigation by ‘endoscope’ probing. (p 152)

King Arthur himself is said to have carried it at the Battle of Baedan and it can be seen in the stained-glass windows of Llandaff Cathedral.

Much later, when Edward I finally overcame Gwynedd, he demanded the Cross as part of his booty! It is doubtful that he was ever given the real thing as the cross he subsequently sent to Westminster Abbey was never described as being ornamented with jewels or kept in a silver casket! His son Edward II gave this trophy to his friend Piers Gaveston, a Templar Knight, and took it to a Grand Master of the Templars called Amery.

Later, the French King Philip the Good (le Bel) and Pope Clement conspired to supress and destroy The Order of the Templars, but not just for The Cross as is said here. There was a vast amount of buried Jewish Temple Treasure that had been secreted out of the Levant during the Crusades! Again, on the pretence of ‘Defending The Catholic Pilgrims’ from the violence of the Arabs!

And nor could it have been brought ‘from the site’ by Joseph of Arimathea simply because The Genuine Faith of Christ was based on a personal knowledge of Salvation By Faith and a relationship with The Risen Savior. It did not need such artifacts as crosses or robes to sustain such Great Faith.

The Jewish historian Josephus writes this about the siege of Jerusalem and The Destruction of The Temple and The Holy City in AD 70,

“I did not recognise the area around Jerusalem, which had been so beautifully wooded, and there were now no trees to be found for a distance of 10 miles!”

By AD 325, the Temple had been burnt and the Old Jerusalem had been ‘Ploughed Flat’ and no Jews were allowed near their old sites of worship. What was Jerusalem was then Rebuilt as a Roman city, Anatolia, and Temple Mount, which had at first been made ‘a rubbish tip’, now boasted a Temple to Jupiter! It is this Temple to Jupiter which is in line with the ‘Church of The Holy Sepulchre’ and The Mount of Olives. Like many other pagan nations, they too knew the value and significance of ‘Alignment with Astronomical Events’ like that of The Passover and The Feast of Tabernacles.

And The Lord Himself rebuked the Pharisees, saying,

“You have built the tombs of the prophets whom you killed.

Now you are like sepulchres full of dead men’s bones!”

There is nothing Holy about a Sepulchre! Jews are considered Unclean if they so much as step on a grave. No! The Garden Tomb of Jesus is empty.

In these two accounts of:

First: Joseph of Arimathea in AD 34.

Joseph of Arimathea in AD 34 and his companions arriving in Llantwit Major with the genuine Faith of Christ, demonstrated and confirmed by MIRACLES, SIGNS, and Wonders done by the apostles in Glamorgan.

Second: Fast Forward 300 years!

The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, the man solely responsible for combining Rome’s pagan worship of several deities, with the worship of saints and angels under the Decree Nicaea in AD 325.

When you read the Scriptures carefully, both Old and New, The LORD GOD of Israel has never ever been tolerant of people serving other gods. Nor are we permitted to worship angels or other saints, for they are our brethren and fellow believers! This combination came about through a serious misunderstanding of what “Following the teachings of Christ” really meant, or that becoming a believer, or saint, meant that you were sanctified and set apart by the Cleansing Blood of Jesus. The worship of any other gods besides The LORD GOD of Israel breaks The First and Greatest commandment and is an abomination in the eyes ofThe LORD.

This Romanised Christianity then became ‘The State Recognised Religion of The Whole Roman Empire’. In an attitude that resembles, “If you can’t beat them, join them” Constantine went on to ‘baptize his whole army into this State Recognised Religion with a mere sprinkling of water’ – a practice that has continued until this day.

I can only say this because The LORD has had me dealing with “the plank of Mithras in our own eye, before offering to remove the splinters in someone else’s eye!” I am of course referring to The Church of England which, in the days of the English King Henry VIII and the Protestant Movement started by the German Catholic Priest Martin Luther, made a complete break with Roman Catholicism! Even to the point of demolishing the Roman Abbeys and monasteries. There were enough people of power in government then that realised the very real danger to The Crown of England, that they got an Act of Government signed that made it illegal for any Catholic practitioner to hold any office of responsibility in this country. Sadly, that danger has been forgotten, and The Church of England has been infiltrated again by Roman concepts that have allowed them to continue in certain doctrines that were peculiar to the Vatican. Doctrines that have left the soundness of Salvation by Faith in the Atoning Blood of Christ and Baptism by full immersion and now teach and practice ‘Salvation by good works’.

Yes, The Church of England is no longer The Church FOR The Whole of Britain as it was in AD 34 under the leadership of the apostle Joseph of Arimathea.

And then, in AD 325, the Empress Helena’s misguided but enthusiastic endorsement of so-called Roman Christianity, done to support her son in an already weakened Roman Empire, divided West from East at Constantinople.

In this enthusiasm she demanded that the leaders of Anatolia, (once Jerusalem) give her The Cross on which Christ was crucified. Then she embellish it with gold, silver, and jewels, and encase it in a silver casket. Took ship to South Wales and paraded it around the country to endorse an idolatrous Christianity that only her son Constantine the Great could have invented, and to overwrite the Real Christianity that 200 years before had been demonstrated by MIRACLES, SIGNS, and Wonders done in The NAME of Jesus of Nazareth, the Promised Jewish Messiah, by Joseph of Arimathea, one of The Seventy Elders of Israel.

Yes, in these two very different accounts, and comparing these events with the Scriptures and other Ancient Accounts, we have confirmed both,

The True Faith of The Son of God, confirming The WORD with Miracles, Signs, and Wonders, which arrived at Llantwit Major with Joseph of Arimathea in AD 34, just a year after the crucifixion and the dispersion of The Miracle Working Believers from Jerusalem.

And The False, or Harlot church! So called because it mixed the pagan worship of the Roman Empire with the worship of saints. A spiritual adultery that is an abomination in the eyes of The LORD GOD of Israel, The Creator of ALL THINGS.

Yes, these ancient Welsh accounts of how Christianity came to Britain in its two most extreme forms, first by Joseph of Arimathea in AD 34, and second, by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. Which persuasion was endorsed by his devoted mother who became the Empress Helena, and joint ruler with her son of the whole Roman Empire. She was a British princess who married into High-Ranking Roman Military circles during the attempted Roman occupation of Britain. Since Joseph of Arimathea is credited with converting not only King Caradog of Glamorgan, but also later, the King of England, it is quite possible that she would feel that The Real Faith of Christ, accompanied by Signs and Wonders that confirmed The WORD preached, was in danger of robbing Rome of its standing as ‘Head of the accepted new Roman State Religion’. –

Quote: “We have no king but Caesar!”

Which is a denial of the Divinity of Christ.

So, we have confirmed the false, idolatrous, and deliberate distortions of pagan Roman practices, that have eventually become the ‘Holy Roman Catholic Empire’. An empire that now claims to have ‘Apostolic Authority’ – an Authority that can only come from Our LORD and Saviour and is gifted by the HOLY Spirit.

The Same Spirit that worked in Him, and now works in us, to produce The Fruit of The Most HOLY Spirit!

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, sexual immorality, Uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, heresies, envy, drunkenness, revelries, and the like! Of which I tell you beforehand, that those who practice such things will NOT inherit The Kingdom of God!

But the fruit of The Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such THERE IS NO LAW. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also Walk in The Spirit.

Galatians 5:16-25.

The book The Holy Kingdom supplies some of the answers:

The Constantine Succession (p156) reveals a time of unprecedented trouble after the Nicene Crede of AD 325! This joined Roman paganism to the so-called Christian worship of saints! Both abominations in the eyes of The LORD!


Any religion totally without Christ is very close to INSANITY.

Constantine ‘the Great’ died on 27 May 337, only 12 years after Nicene, leaving behind him an Empire with at least 2 capitals! Rome and Constantinople.

Britain was already independent as of 312.

And though in theory Constantine ruled the whole Empire, in practice it was far from being the ‘Unified Colossus’ that is imagined! The split between East and West was very much in evidence!

The Two Legs of Iron in Daniel’s vision of The Empires.

Babylon was Great because The LORD MADE IT GREAT.

But successive empires were to be inferior!

Culminating in the Iron of Rome being divided West and East, and further, its feet were of a mixture of iron and clay. And IRON does NOT mix with Clay! Making it a very fragile foundation on which to stand anything. This Colossus will be broken by a stone not cut out by hands!

Which, in The Scriptures, is obviously The Second Coming of The LORD Jesus Christ when He descends from Heaven in the clouds, with Great Power and Glory, with ALL HIS SAINTS on white horses, dressed in fine white linen, indicating the righteous acts of The Saints, with palm branches in their hands.

He will Rule and Reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years, and the WORD of The LORD and The LAW of The LORD will go out to all the nations. Until ALL His enemies are put down!

Constantine was then succeeded by his Three sons, and his generals carried out a wholesale massacre of all other male members of his family. It was a predictably unhappy situation that would have serious results. The territory was divided between the three and, given the temperaments of the individuals involved, the Western Roman Empire was in reality beyond their control!

A recipe for DISASTER.

This is most revealing of the consequences of interfering with The Divinity of Christ and The Apostolic Authority bestowed upon His Genuine Followers!

The Roman Empire is definitely APOSTATE. And rightly called:




And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of JESUS.

From The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ which He gave to John on the Isle of Patmos. Chapter 17:1-6. The Judgement of the Great Harlot.

Let’s repeat that concerning His Second Coming

so that we can SEE more clearly, ‘Who is going where, and when?’

The Highlight of the Second Coming of The LORD Jesus Christ is when He descends from Heaven in the clouds, with Great Power and Glory,

with ALL HIS SAINTS on white horses,

dressed in fine white linen,

indicating The Righteous Acts of The Saints.

He will Rule and Reign with ALL HIS SAINTS from Jerusalem for a thousand years, and the WORD of The LORD and The LAW of The LORD will go out to all the nations. Until ALL His enemies are put down!

He, Yeshua, will Rule and Reign with ALL HIS SAINTS!

So, who are ‘All These Saints’?

To get Scriptural answers we must learn to reason from The Scriptures!

Let’s look at Revelation Chapter 14.

I absolutely love this Scripture because it is so visual! I was on a coach one day, returning to South Wales on the M40. I was sitting in an aisle seat near enough the front to see a panorama of the motorway and the countryside both sides. I was reading this very passage. And as I read, The Holy Spirit said to me, “Look.”

So I looked. I looked up from the Scriptures and the scene in front changed to that of “A Lamb standing on Mount Zion!”

I instantly recognised Him!

Not standing as one might expect on the peak of Mount Zion but on the green slopes of Mount Zion.

However, that’s not the point.

Had I not LOOKED, as prompted, I might have read on and got engrossed in the “One hundred and forty-four thousand” and MISSED MY SAVIOUR standing on Mount Zion.

It really changed my day! and gave me a wonderful testimony to share in The Prayer and Ministry Meeting that evening.

There are some wonderful clues here as to who exactly are the 144,000?

And it’s quite simple.

They are right up front before The Throne!

And they sing a New Song that no one else could learn

except the 144,000 who are REDEEMED from the Earth!

These are the ones who are NOT DEFILED WITH WOMEN,


These are the ones who FOLLOW The Lamb wherever He goes!

And in their mouth is found NO DECEIT or FALSEHOOD,

for they are without fault

and BOLDLY STAND before The Throne of God!

I was once prompted to read the whole Book of Revelation from start to finish. So, I began with a notebook expecting two or three parallel themes. But no, I did not see any such thing. The Book turned out to be entirely chronological! Such as, “Then the first, then the second, then the third trumpet sounded, etc.”

Having read it like that we can see that this is Written in the context of

“When He opened The Sixth Seal” (Revelation 6:12)

And it goes on to tell us in Chapter 7 that:

“The One hundred and forty-four thousand” are made up of,

12,000 of each of The Twelve Tribes of all Israel.

Further, they are Sealed on their foreheads.

Verses 2 and 3 say, Then I saw another angel having The Seal of The Living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying, “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have SEALED the servants of God on their foreheads.”

And I heard the number of those who were Sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed:

Of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Levi twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand were sealed.

Of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand were sealed.

Revelation 7:9-17. A Great multitude which No One could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before The Throne and before The Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying with a loud voice, saying,

“Salvation belongs to Our God who sits on The Throne,

and to The Lamb!”

Then, one of the Elders asked,

“Who are these arrayed in White Robes,

and where did they come from?”

So, he said to me,

“These are the ones who came out of The Great Tribulation,

and washed their robes and made them WHITE

IN The BLOOD of The Lamb.”

“Therefore, they are before The Throne of God

and Serve Him day and night in His Temple.

And He who sits upon The Throne will DWELL AMONG THEM.

They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore!

The sun shall not smite them, nor any heat!

For The Lamb who is in their midst and on The Throne will shepherd them and lead them to LIVING FOUNTAINS of The Waters of LIFE.

And GOD shall wipe away EVERY TEAR from their eyes!”

Let’s check out the origins of these expressions:

“They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore” is a reference to The Time when men will be required to take The Mark or the Name of The Beast, without which No One can Buy or Sell! (Revelation 13:16-18) For which the obvious remedy is True Discipleship, “Forsake ALL and Follow Me! Take no thought for your life even, what you shall eat or drink, or what you shall wear. For your life is more than food and drink.”

It is also A Time when they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, and tormented. Of whom the world was not worthy.

They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the Earth. (Hebrews 11:337-38)

“The sun shall not smite them, nor any heat!”

In Revelation 16:8-9, Men are scorched with great heat when the Fourth Angel pours out his vial, of the Wrath of God on the sun. And power was given to him to scorch men with fire!

And they blasphemed The Name of The LORD who has power over these plagues, but they did not repent and give Him Glory.

And The Second Coming is only two more bowls away!

Which is given as “I am coming as a thief” during The Sixth Vial in which The Great River Euphrates dries up so that the way of the kings of the East is prepared. And they are gathered together

to the battle of that Great Day of God Almighty.

15        “Behold, I am coming As A Thief.

Blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments,

Lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.”

16 And they are gathered together to Armageddon!

Literally. To Mount Megiddo.

17 Then the Seventh Angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of The Temple of Heaven

and from The Throne, saying,

“It is done!”

18 And there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake, as has not occurred since men were on the Earth!

19 And the Great City was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And Great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His Wrath.

I am coming As A Thief is a clue as to How He is coming.

Peter warns us in his second epistle, 2 Peter Chapters 1 to 3:

To those who have obtained The Same Precious Faith as us

by the Righteousness of God Our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Grace and Peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of Him Our LORD,

as His Divine Power has given to us ALL THINGS that pertain to Life and Godliness, – by which we have been given exceedingly Great and Precious Promises, that through these You may be PARTAKERS of The DIVINE NATURE, having escaped the corruption and depravity that is in the world through LUST.

Giving all diligence,

Add to your Faith virtue

To virtue add knowledge

To knowledge add self-control

To self-control add patience and perseverance

To perseverance add godliness

To godliness add brotherly kindness

To brotherly kindness add LOVE.

For is these things be in you and abound, you will neither be barren, useless, or unfruitful in this knowledge of Our LORD.

He who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was CLEANSED from his old SINS!

Therefore brethren, be even more diligent to make your Call and Election sure! For if you do these things, you will never stumble, and an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into The Everlasting Kingdom of Our LORD and Saviour, Jesus The Christ.

For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of Our LORD Jesus Christ but were EYEWITNESSES of His Majesty on The Mount of Transfiguration.

And whilst there a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory saying:

“This is My Beloved Son, in whom I AM Well pleased.”

The whole point of adding all these wonderful virtues to your Faith in Christ is that when He does appear, we shall be like Him!

It is a growing and building process for we are His Body!

“Bone of His bone, and flesh of His flesh!”

So, when we truly deny ourselves as instructed, and take up the cross, we too like Paul can say,

“It is no longer I that lives, but that Christ Lives in me.”

“For flesh and blood cannot, and will not, inherit the Kingdom of God.”

Behold, I tell you a mystery:

We shall not all sleep, but we shall ALL BE CHANGED –

in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,


For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible,


For this mortal body MUST put on IMMORTALITY.

Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is Written:


The sting of death is SIN, and the strength of SIN is in The Law.

(1 Corinthians 15:50-57)

If Eternal Life could have been given by The Law,

a Law would have been given!

But what The Law could not do because of the weakness of the flesh,

Christ did in the flesh

by fulfilling ALL The Law and the prophets on our behalf.

For The Law of Life in Christ Jesus

has set me free from The Law of SIN and DEATH.

(Romans 8.)

But Peter says this, that scoffers will come in The Last Days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His Coming? For all things continue as they were from the beginning of Creation.” For this they wilfully forget that by The Word of The LORD the Heavens were of Old, and the Earth standing out of the waters and in the waters by which the world that then existed PERISHED, being FLOODED with the Waters! But the Heavens and the Earth are now preserved by The Same WORD, are reserved until the FIRE of The Day of Judgement and destruction of ungodly men.

But that Day of The LORD will Come as A Thief In The Night!

in which the Heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat. Both the Earth and the works that are in it will be laid bare and burned up.    (2 Peter 3:3 -12)

Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought we to be in Holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening The Coming of The Day of The LORD.


YOU ALSO are The CALLED of Your Messiah, Jesus The Christ of God.


Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Seeking a Word from The LORD:

“Paul Writes to the Romans, very effectively! “And so do I.”

There are lots of Jews in Rome, and lots of believers who have married into High-Ranking Roman positions of authority.

Romans 3:1. What advantage then has the Jew?

There is much advantage in every Way! Chiefly because to them were committed The Oracles and The Scriptures of God. And what if some do not believe?

Will their unbelief make The FAITHFULNESS of GOD of no effect?


“To The ROMANS” is considered The Main Literary Work of Paul. It presents those who are at the heart of Roman thinking and Empire with Eleven Chapters that Establish the Arguments of Salvation By FAITH. And then Four Chapters of ‘How to Live By that FAITH in obedience to His Instructions. Culminating with,

“And The GOD of PEACE will CRUSH SATAN under Your Feet SHORTLY!”

The God Father Culture is Italian-Sicilian-American and Roman Catholic, confessing “I believe in Jesus and the holy Roman Catholic church.”

But is riddled with Big Business, Organised Crime, and violence.

Hamas is similar. It is the birth child of The Arab Brotherhood, and is an acronym of several Arab words meaning, “EVIL, VIOLENT, and DESTRUCTIVE.”

In the recent Pro-Palestinian demonstrations, when the chant, “We are HAMAS!” They are saying of themselves, “We are EVIL, VIOLENT, and DESTRUCTIVE.”

But our prayer for them has become an agreement that, “Yes, Palestinians should be free from the violence of their own religion Islam, and from the terrors of Hamas, from the River Jordan to the Sea!” That will be a true freedom and many trophies of Grace out of the hands of The False Prophet who, at His Second Coming, will be taken captive along with the Wild Beast of Europe, and will have their part in The Lake of Fire, Burning with Fire and Brimstone! The smoke of their torment shall ascend forever. He is called The False Prophet because Allah is not the one god at all. Allah is part of Mohammed’s vision to combine the many gods of Arabia into one name. Their symbol of the Cresent Moon is the symbol of The Moon God of Arabia, and that is not the God that Christians worship! It is a direct rip-off of The God of Israel being The One LORD and you shall have no other gods besides Me! This Islam came into existence in the 400’s AD and this could only happen after AD 325 when the Roman Emperor Constantine The Great combined the worship of Rome’s pagan deities with the worship of saints and angels, thus weakening almost to destruction the Real Faith of Christ Crucified and Risen from the Dead! For one cannot have fellowship with demons and The LORD!

The Welsh Revival of 1904

Now we need to look at The Welsh Revival of 1904 and some of the young men involved in it like Evan Roberts and Rees Howells.

Evan Roberts was a sincere believer and attended Moriah Chapel in Loughor. He was involved with the Sunday School in the building next door but was called away to study at Bible College. However, he was not a good student and after about a year The LORD said to him, “Return and speak to the young people.”

He did, and they responded with enthusiasm to a deeper involvement with The LORD and His purposes. His key prayer was, “LORD bend me!”

And a great repentance and expression of revival started when the congregation was asked, “What does Jesus really mean to you?”

And one young girl testified, “I love Jesus with all my heart.”

Rees Howells, despite his fame as a revivalist and intercessor, was not an easy convert. He grew up in a very godly home where his father taught them the bible, and under the deep godly love of his mother. He was a keen attender of chapel and prayer meetings and was considered by many to be a very pious young man. But he did not know The LORD. He grew to be a big man about six feet tall, fit, hardworking, and of a good appetite. So much so that he had to be reminded to leave a piece of tart for his brother. Whereas Dick his brother did not need such reminders. He did know the loving restraint of the LORD. When the prospects of earning much more money in America came bringing with it the hope of being able to retire early, he decided to go. But in a meeting so crowded that he was left standing in the vestibule, he distinctly heard The LORD say through the speaker,

“I know where you are going

and that you will be away from the oversight

of your family and parents,

but do not forget the great cloud of witnesses

that have gone before you.”

It was a verse from Hebrews that he was not aware of until then. It made a profound impact on him and ultimately the hound of Salvation caught up with him as he sought to avoid a full commitment. His brother Dick stunned him by asking him directly,

“Are you born again?”

Over and over, “Rees, are you born again?” so that he ran away to another tin works one hundred miles away. But he met a converted once rich Jew who also had been a difficult catch because it meant, “Forsake ALL and Follow ME.” And even though he resisted that, contracting typhoid fever, often fatal, brought him to the fear of death! Something he had never experience before in his godly upbringing, and somehow ‘The Lord’s Hound of Salvation’ caught up with him. He begged The Lord, “Give me one more chance and I will give my life to You.” Later he heard,

“Behold I stand at the door and knock.

If you will open to Me,

I and My Father will come in to you

and make our home with you.”

He returned to his brother Dick with the Good News of his being born again a new creation in Christ, and then returned to his home in Brynamman in South Wales with the same joy and uplifted purpose of being ‘In communication with his Creator’.

This Joy of Salvation is also expressed in Psalm 149:

“Sing to The LORD a new song and His praise in the Assembly of the saints.

Let Israel rejoice in their Maker.

Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.

For The LORD takes great pleasure in His People.

He will beautify the meek and humble with Salvation.

Let the saints be joyful in their regained Glory.

Let the high praises of God be in their mouths,

And a Two-edged Sword in their hand,

To execute vengeance on the nations,

And punishments on their pagan peoples.

To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron!

To execute on them The Written Judgement.

This Honour have ALL HIS SAINTS. PRAISE The LORD!”

In this remembrance of some his achievements in service you will soon see how these characteristics began manifesting in the new life of Rees Howells. And although brought up in a Godly Home amongst some committed believers that would shortly be involved in The Welsh Revival of 1904, Rees himself was not a born-again believer and maintained some rather selfish attributes.

My Old Dad was similar, in that he was brought up in a very loving Catholic home. The love between his brothers and sisters was tangible. But when he served our country in WW2 as a driver in the Royal Artillery in Belgium in 1939 at the age of 19, he saw different nations fighting and yet trying to serve the same god that he was brought up to serve. Fortunately he stopped listening. Until 1980 that is, when I too heard something very much better and began thirty years of bearing witness to that great difference. It took three years to get dad off believing we came from monkeys! Then, thanks to many miraculous circumstances and to David Hathaway’s ‘Rape of Europe’ DVD he got answers to the European Union and Nazi contradictions to Christianity. Eventually, in 2011, he passed away, but I got a Word from The Lord that,

“Although he had suffered the defeat of Dunkirk,

he was now enjoying The Victory of Heaven!”

Heaven is real

Yes, brethren and loved ones, Heaven is real, and conversation with The Lord is real too, and very much needed in order to be up to date with current spiritual affairs and the needs of the souls around you. We all came out of darkness. And many of those precious souls around us are trying to navigate through a world shrouded in darkness and cluttered with many deceitful religions and doctrines that are just not sound. They are all in great danger, and we who know The Lord God of Israel have been given the discernment and authority to proclaim this Good News of Eternal Life By Faith in Christ Jesus alone! When you read the Scriptures carefully, you will see that neither in the Old Testament, nor the New, does God tolerate any other gods beside Him, or alongside Him!

It would break the First and Greatest Commandment:

“Thou shalt LOVE The LORD YOUR GOD with ALL of your heart,

with ALL of your soul, with ALL of your mind,

and with ALL of your strength.”