In Jesus of Nazareth, we have a very strong deliverer!
The Babe in The Manger was also The LION of the tribe of Judah!
His Jewish name was Yeshua and means “Salvation and healing” for the whole soul.
Psalm 103: Forget not ALL HIS BENEFITS!
He forgives all our iniquities.
He HEALS all your diseases.
He redeems YOUR LIFE from destruction!
He Crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.
He satisfies my mouth with GOOD THINGS to eat and to say!
So that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s!
This is written at the time of the conflict in Gaza, and poses the question, “The God of Israel is a STRONG Deliverer. Have you perhaps chosen the wrong deliverer?”
This has been a time of conflicting religious actions causing distress to many nations. Not just in terms of religious beliefs, but also to the unbelieving in the realms of government, the military, the media, and the international community. Armies cannot act on their own accord. They must have orders from those in authority. Namely the politicians and the generals. That’s why we are asked to pray for those in authority. They need your spiritual authority behind them to make good choices and decisions.
October 7th, 2023 was a Jewish Feast Day, and Israel has a long history of their neighbouring Arab nations attacking on Feast Days! Israel was not ready. And the Palestinians had been planning and preparing this attack for a long time. They did not just attack military targets. Many civilians died too. Many secular civilians with not a care for Jewish Holy Days or the commandments of the God who, in the exodus, delivered them from slavery and bondage in Egypt. Today we are seeing an even greater miracle, the gathering of the Jews from all the nations to which they were scattered.
Here in Israel and Gaza, there are wrongs on both sides, and it has stirred up a hornet’s nest of retaliation. No one in their right mind would deny a country the right to defend itself against such atrocities and to rescue hostages taken to negotiate the release of terrorists that have been convicted of similar acts of terror and murder.
In Biblical Terms, “No one is innocent! All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God!” That’s the Shekinah Glory of the God of Israel, for there are many gods in the world, but there is only ONE True and Living God that brings deliverance to those who love HIM! The very thing that is forbidden in the Islamic Forbidden Meeting Place is violence! Their first meeting place in Petra had 20 Guardian Stones around it but was destroyed by a civil war between the Shiites of Persia (now Iran) and the Sunni of Jordan. Now in Mecca they have only one Black Stone and Mecca is 3,000 feet below the Trade Route that links Saudi Arabia with the Silk Road and Europe. The Prayer Walls of their Mosques were, for the first 100 years, aligned with Petra. Not Mecca. So, now there are one point six billion Muslims today facing not their original ‘Most holy site’ of Petra but pray five times a day towards Mecca.
The Old Testament is full of Israel’s success when she follows the commandments of God given to Moses on Mount Sinai. Keeping those commandments kept Israel at peace with her neighbours. On the contrary, when she did not walk in His ways, there was war and great calamity. The Jewish nation has lost two temples through disobedience to The Laws of Moses. Sin lets the enemy in. It is like leaving a door open to the thief. And the thief comes not just to steal, but to kill and destroy. And that is what is happening in the Middle East right now. Yes, the situation is complex, but do not be removed from the simplicity that is in Christ. The commandments are for all nations. To the Jew first, then to the Gentiles. The Jews were meant to be a light to the Gentiles! But because they were backslidden for all of 400 years at the time of His appearing, they missed their own Messiah! There had been silence from Heaven for 400 years! A nation with a history of The LORD speaking through His Holy prophets should have realised that something serious was wrong. The office of High Priest was by Law to go to one of the sons of Aaron. But now it was to ‘The highest bidder!’
“A nation cannot serve God and money!”
Matthew 22:36. “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied,“You shall love The LORD Your God with all your heart, with all of your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”
In Exodus 20 He further says, “I am The LORD your GOD, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery and bondage! You shall have NO OTHER GODS beside ME! For I the LORD your God am a jealous God!”
He is jealous for the love and respect of His precious children!
“If I am a Father, where is My respect? And if I am your king, where is My reverence?”
Matthew 28:18-20 gives us a glimpse of what was lost in disobedience.
“All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are The Holy Trinity. And the teachings of Christ are to be passed on to all so that the authority given to the twelve apostles, and then the Seventy also, would continue even to the end!
This Great Restoration of Apostolic Authority is needed because there is also a very Unholy Trinity at work in our lives and nations.
The Beast, The False prophet, and Satan.
These three are most relevant to us in Europe because we have seen firsthand the formation of a new empire of the European Union. An empire that equates to ‘The Fourth Kingdom’ of Daniel’s vision. A ‘Wild Beast’ of a thing that does much damage to his people in the latter days, trampling the nations, and causing much distress!
“The Woman on the Beast” is the Phoenician woman Europa riding the Beast that is The Bull of Zeus. She is seduced by the handsome white bull, bears a son, and is awarded the title “Mary Queen of Heaven”. The Mary that we revere was righteous in all the Law of God, and a virgin, and bore a Holy Child that was to become “The Passover Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.”
In Islam we have “The False Prophet” or antichrist. Since the definition of antichrist is given as, “Anyone who denies Father or Son is antichrist”. And Islam does both. More on this later, for we must not judge others before we have examined ourselves!
Satan is more obvious. Satan’s seat was in Pergamon in Turkey. It was found by German archaeologists almost intact and taken to Berlin, where later, about a third of it was reconstructed in the Pergamon Museum of Berlin. Hitler was so impressed by this massive altar that he had a replica build for his Nazi declarations of “Death to the Jews!” at the Nuremburg Ring.
More on this later, for as below we must first remove the blinder from our own eye before we offer to help remove the hinderance in someone else’s eye.
Matthew 7:1-5.
“Judge not, for with what judgement you judge, you will be judged.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but not consider the plank in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
The beginning of seeing clearly is “Being converted” as Jesus said to Nicodemus.
“Are you a teacher in Israel and do not know this! Unless you are born again from above by the Spirit of God you cannot even see the kingdom of Heaven.”
And when asked, “Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?” He answered,
“Assuredly I say to you, Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My Name receives Me!”
One of the biggest blinders of today is a misconception of the meaning of “church” and “Christianity”. The world view of church and Christianity has become that of Roman Catholic. It has taken 1700 years to develop the overbearing Papal State that we have today based in the Vatican City in Rome. I have been there twice. Partly because the first treaty that the British government signed with the EU was “The Treaty of Rome”. It was then only a “Common market”. But the Single European Act (SEA) changed that and revealed its disguised intended purpose. And for Britain to leave the EU that treaty had to be undone!
The real and Biblical meaning of “church” is “an assembly of the Saints of God who have the faith of Jesus Christ and keep the commandments of God” and it is also known as “The Body of Christ” and it is Holy, being formed by the HOLY SPIRIT dwelling in the believer.
Its God appointed ministries are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:27.
“Now (being born-again by the Spirit of God) you are The Body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church: His Church:
First apostles.
Second prophets.
Third teachers.
After that, miracles.
Then gifts of healings.
Varieties of tongues.”
Today most denominations are headed by Elders and pastors. The nearest we can see in this list is “Administrations” and yet it is seventh in a list of eight ministries given for “the equipping of the saints to the work of the ministry!” Are we misrepresenting Christ and His Church by working at only one quarter of the power and authority appointed to the New Testament Church?
This did not come about by accident. Miracles and healings, and the leading of The Holy Spirit are evident in the whole book of The Acts of The Apostles. And even today we see the same wherever The LORD’s people work with The HOLY Spirit.
Today that apostolic authority is claimed by the Vatican as “The Holy See”. That too came gradually through a progression of Papal Bulls delivered to the church after the Emperor Constantine had combined the worship of Rome’s pagan deities with those that worshipped saints and angels. To worship pagan deities, angels, or saints is forbidden in the Scriptures. Pagan deities are other gods of limited power, and angels and saints are our brethren, and not for worship. But the pagans agreed to worship their deities under the names of saints. The most obvious is that of Zeus being worshipped as Saint Peter. That big black statue of Saint Peter in the Basilica that Catholic pilgrims queue up to kiss the feet of was originally the image of Zeus.
Zeus is the handsome white bull that seduced the beautiful Phoenician lady, Europa, who then bore a child. She was awarded the title “Mary Queen of Heaven” and stands on a column like Nelson’s in Trafalgar Square. This is not “The Virgin Mary” that bore the Christ Child at Bethlehem and had to flee to Egypt to avoid being devoured by the Red Dragon of Revelation 12. No, Mary Queen of Heaven is the Roman Estarte, a goddess of fertility. From whom we get the season of Easter, not to be confused with The Passover at which the Christ was Crucified as “The Passover Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the whole world”.
A Brief History of Catholic Influence:
King Richard the Lionheart was a Catholic Crusader 1189-1199.
The Knights Templar were European Catholic Crusaders also, who, under the guise of defending Catholic pilgrims to the rebuilt Islamic Jerusalem, also went with a map of the hidden Jewish Temple treasures. And over their years of service to the Vatican State those treasures and four cases of documents were unearthed and secretly brought out via the port of Acco. The documents were very important to them, and as revealed in Masonic history, were central to the heresy that Yeshua had married Mary of Magdala and created a ‘bloodline’ that became known as ‘the Holy Grail’. These four cases of documents are known to have been in Scotland at the time of building Rosslare Chapel. The treasures made them very rich, but when found out, were hunted down by both the Pope and the French kings. Many were executed but the treasure was never found. The survivors fled to England and Scotland where they became the Freemasons. A secret society that is still very influential today in business, church, and state.
Martin Luther, a popular German Catholic priest, studied the Scriptures more than most and came up with 93 Points of Difference with the teachings of Rome. He began the Protestant Movement. But this was never fully resolved with Rome because another movement arose. The Enlightenment. It turned men’s eyes to works of art to decorate their places of worship. And The Vatican took this concept up willingly and hence we have The Sistine Chapel and many other works of art.
Henry VIII, 1509-1547, needed a son as heir to England’s throne, lest it default to the Catholic Mary Queen of Scots and England fall into spiritual adultery! A great danger that many were very aware of at that time. This separation was widely achieved with Henry gladly prepared to suffer excommunication from Rome and the agony of several barren wives. He eventually routed most of the Catholic institutions and closed its monasteries. He was then able to give rise to the Church of England, but sadly even this never really escaped the deeply embedded doctrines of Rome and the Freemasons.
One of the Vatican’s most deeply embedded themes is that of a reconciliation of the faith of Christ with other faiths and other gods. This breaks the First Commandment of “Have no other gods beside Me” and opens the door to a spiritual adultery with the kings of the Earth. This is where the iron strength of Rome tries to mix with the clay of humanity. But iron does not mix with clay! Instead, it creates an inferior adulterous union. And this is where the term “harlot” comes from. See Revelation chapter 17.
“Come I will show you the Judgement of the Great harlot, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication!” and on her forehead was written a name:
I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the martyrs of Yeshua. And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.
That great city at the time of writing was Rome!
In Revelation 18:4, I heard another voice from Heaven saying,
“Come out of her My people,
lest you share in her SINS, and lest you receive of her plagues.
For her sins have reached to Heaven,
and God has remembered her iniquities.”
24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints,
and of all who were slain on the Earth!
This in verse 24 is a massive round up of the enormous SINS accounted to the spiritual adultery of Rome. This would include the death toll of conquering the Greek Empire, of the Roman occupation of The Holy Land, the sacking of The Holy Temple in AD 70, The followers of the New and Living Way were persecuted and scattered, and the apostles Peter and Paul were crucified in Rome. The Spanish Inquisition was particularly violent, as were the Conquistadors of the Americas. The Civil Wars of England were also Catholic versus Protestant seeking to keep England free from Catholic domination. The Slave Trade to the Southern States of America, and even the victims of the Space Race inaugurated by the godless communism of Russia and the Roman Catholic US president John F Kennedy. My own dear old dad was brought up in a Catholic family, and the love between them was tangible, but to this day I am treated as an infidel and unbeliever, despite many encounters and testimonies of The LORD’s goodness and mercy in forgiving me of all my sins in March of 1980!
Yes, in her, in this villainous harlot of Rome was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of ALL who were slain on the Earth!
In the 1600’s enough people in the British government realised that this so endangered our national security that an Act of Parliament was passed to ban members of the Roman Catholic religion from holding any office of influence in Britain. From royalty to teachers. Sadly, this danger has been forgotten and the Act has been removed from our legislation. Today the world view of “Christianity” has become that of Roman Catholic, and even the Church of England is still suffering the weakening effects of Roman Catholic heresies!
But before we offer to identify and remove the splinters from our brother’s eyes, we must first remove the plank from our own Church of England’s eyes! Then we can see clearly to remove the blinding splinters of the worship of other gods from the eyes of those entangled in other religions.
The real danger behind this mix of the iron of Rome and the clay of humanity is not of Roman origin, but of God’s Design. The supernatural powers of reconciling what appears to be two or more irreconcilable cultures and beliefs belongs to a male religious spirit called Mithras. Only recently archaeologists have unearthed a tablet depicting Mithras emerging from a rock and slaying a bull. It is attributed to the time of the Persian Empire and accounts for the union of the Medes and Persians being able to overcome what had been “Great Babylon”. Of course, the downfall of Babylon was helped by Babylon’s own sins. Remember, Babylon was founded on an oath to “permit the gods Marduk and Nob to raise their heads and vie with Heaven itself!” (Marduk was the god of fire to whom infants were sacrificed, with the promise of eternal life and 25 virgins to attend them. Today’s Palestinian suicide bombers are given the same enticement. Marduk was carried by the rebellious children of Israel during their 40 years wandering in the wilderness! And Nob was his son.)
Mithraism is an underground cult similar in ceremonies to those of the Freemasons. The remains of one of his temples can be seen on Hadrian’s Wall. The image of Mithras emerging from a rock also has interesting connections to the underworld because in our recent research in Arizona we found that the native American Indians also used Shaman priests to open portals to the underworld to permit warrior spirits to come and go as they pleased! When the Apache were driven out by the increasing numbers of settlers and the oversight of the US military, no one thought to close these portals in their absence and the paranormal activity has continued. In Yeshua we are given the authority to do such things as Close Doors and Cast out Unclean spirits to protect our communities from such evil intrusions.
Rees Howells Intercessor by Norman Grub is the biography of a man from a Welsh mining village who found that through the teachings of The Holy Spirit world events could be changed through the power of prayer and intercession. Mr and Mrs Howells were revivalists, and after six years of revival service in Africa, saw such wholehearted surrender from so many in South Wales that they asked The LORD for a training facility in Wales. He received promises and confirmation from The Word. One of which was for a talent of gold, which he leant was worth £6,150 at that time. Whilst lodging in Mumbles The LORD showed him the first estate to be purchased for a bible college. It was Glyderwen overlooking Swansea Bay. The Catholics had an offer on the property, but The LORD said, “That’s why I called you to buy this place. I brought you back from Africa to make a test case for Me against the Church of Rome.”
The Catholics had been responsible for the death of six of our best men in Portuguese East Africa. His Word to Mr Howells was plain, “I shall be very displeased with you if they get this property.”
Rees Howells Intercessor realised that he was in a battle with the wealthiest church in the world. But sure enough, the owners agreed on the price on £6,150, a talent of gold as promised.
He knew that the Catholics were buying places near every University, and no one was stopping them. And he realized that had The Holy Spirit found men to believe Him, He would not have allowed the Church of Rome to have power again in this land!
This INTERCESSORY purchase was made in 1923, and when I researched the historic circumstances, it was only in the previous year, 1922 that the British government had surrendered the lives of the millions of souls in Southern Ireland to the demands of the Catholic IRA. That border has continued to be a point of conflict to this day.
So, where do we find Mithras today?
Well, it’s right under our noses. If our own Church of England continues to permit what were originally Roman practices, then we are reconciled not to Christ alone, but to a multi-faith community that tries to say, “All faiths lead to the same God.” If we let Mithras affect our concept of reconciliation, we must accept fellowship with the doctrines of demons and the schools of thought of men. Neither will bring you to true repentance and Faith in the sacrifice of His Dear Son on the Cross of Golgotha. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of Sins!
Our lovely Messiah fulfilled The Laws of Moses in this, and His Father proved it by raising His Son from the dead and presenting Him ALIVE to over 500 believers.