Hello Everyone. I am Roy.

Let me introduce You to My Messiah.
He Truly is a Miracle Worker.
My Messiah first made Himself known to me at about the age of 12.
One of my Teachers graphically described a Roman crucifixion. No names were mentioned, but I knew he was talking about Jesus. I absolutely refused to know this Jesus, cos I knew instinctively that “It meant Commitment.”
He then waited a further 20 years and introduced Himself to Me in 1980 with “The Full Gospel Story.” I was then 33 years of age, and my sins were not just a few!
He is very patient with us all. And very Faithful to His Word.
How I got my name.
My Dear Old Dad, Bill, was a driver in The Royal Artillery. He was a regular and was in Belgium in 1939 at the age of 19 when the Panzers arrived. He survived the first encounter and was one of the last off at Dunkirk. The compulsory destination for leave was Coventry, where he met Mum and married.
In 1946 I was their First-born son. And was given the name Roy Victor Harvey.
Roy meaning the first man. Similar to Adam.
Victor because he, and many thousands of others, had fought abroad, at home, in the fields and the factories, and fought through to a welcome VICTORY.
Harvey, his London name, when we looked it up, meant “Worthy In Battle”
And William Ronald Harvey had been IN BATTLE!
He was also a Choir Boy in Westminster Abbey! (before his voice broke)
Born in Coventry 1946, I was then “Born Again” in 1980 in Swansea, South Wales.
Conversion came as quite a delightful surprise. Like many of you out there, I was coming from the realm of stubborn unbelief and, “There had not been a godly thought in my head for 33 years!”
I received the message and gladly repented. I had kept my precious life to myself far too long! I did not understand it at the time, but I accepted. And Roy was, overnight, quite suddenly and soundly converted to “The Faith of The Son of God.” It was one glorious Sunday evening, 9th March 1980. And it was not just one denomination. This was The LORD Himself seeking My Salvation and Everlasting comfort in two different venues and two different denominations.
It really helped to know that from Day One! (You will understand why later on).
I awoke in the morning, and I was, quite literally “A New Creature In Christ!
Old things had passed away.
All things had become NEW.”
Which was exactly what I needed!
My sins, which were many, had gone!
And I was clean and Holy, accepted in The Presence of God.
He was like a Force Field all around me.
I never thought there was anything real in it.
But I was very wrong!
The LORD Himself was speaking to me. A sinner who had denied Him access to my life when I was only 12 years old.
A Math’s Teacher, at the close of the lesson, described graphically a Roman crucifixion. It is the Roman method of public execution. And it is The Most Painful death that anyone could ever devise! The guilty sinner is nailed to a cross in such a way that they cannot breath unless he lifts himself up on the nailed feet and hands. It is like a bone scrape every time you need to take a breath!
It is inevitable that he tires and “Breaths His Last!”
But He had done No Wrong! Yet He suffered and Died for me and my Sins. And the Sins of The Whole World. He took upon Himself All our Sins and Sicknesses, was placed in a newly prepared tomb, and was RAISED to NEW LIFE AGAIN on The Third Day! As Promised in The Scriptures.
I awoke the next morning and My Sins had GONE.
I WAS NOW FREE to Follow Him.
I had been missing out on the greatest adventure in the universe. Quite suddenly I was being protected and taught by my Creator and Maker. You will find that Jesus of Nazareth, Our Lovely Jewish Messiah, does many things SUDDENLY.
“Faith, REAL FAITH, comes by Hearing.
And Hearing comes by The WORD of God,
and by doing what He says to do.”
(My paraphrase from Hebrews 11.)
“The Most High God does not dwell in man-made temples!”
Cos, “Heaven is My Throne, and Earth is My footstool.”
Therefore, it is good to “Keep in Touch with Heaven”
After being seen alive by over 500 brethren, Our LORD led His disciples out towards Bethany (where Lazarus was raised from the dead) and was visibly seen to Ascend into Heaven. He had previously said to them,
“It is expedient for You that I go to My Father.
For then I will Send The Holy Spirit to you.
Then I and My Father will come to You and make Our Home with You! I will not leave You Comfortless.”
“But wait in the city until You be endued with Power.
When He, The Comforter, is come He will lead You into All Truth, and
You will be My Witnesses even to The Ends of The World.”
When the disciples were “Baptised with The Holy Spirit and Fire” they all spoke in tongues so that even Jews from many other nations that had gathered together in Jerusalem for the anniversary of The Giving of The Law, heard “The Glorious Works of God” in their own languages.
This website aims to Greatly Encourage Your Contact with Heaven and acquaint you with All of The Lord’s Purposes.
Why do I call Him “My Miracle Worker”?
You will see why in the next few Pages.