Church and its Biblical Meaning.

A new study suggests The Church of England is increasingly dropping the word “church” in favour of “relevant and modern sounding” descriptions such as “community”. Dr Giles Fraser, vicar of St Anne’s, Kew, told The Telegraph that this apparent reluctance to use the word “church” reflects “a misplaced desire to be relevant and modern sounding.”

Source, The Telegraph, Tuesday, 20 August 2024.

Also, Dave Blount of suggests that this is “Refreshingly honest from the already subverted Church of England as it is dropping the pretence of still being a church.”

This ‘lack of enduring sound doctrine’ has its roots deep in church history. A history that has been rewritten erroneously to suit those who have supplanted the original apostolic version of The Christian Faith. A Faith that was confirmed with ‘Signs and wonders following’.

So, as one of many genuine born-again believers, I can tell you precisely how the Church of England came to be in this abysmal mess. And, more important, how you as a believer can do some really useful spiritual warfare to help those trapped and deceived by this pathetic attitude. Bad attitudes come from unclean spirits and that makes the job much easier than if we had to wrestle with the flesh and blood being used in this treasonable affair.

I say treasonable because King Charles III is the royal head of the Church of England, and an attack on the Church of England is the same as an attack on the throne. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, being the head of the church should know better. Both are high ranking officials in the affairs of this nation and its national security. I have tried writing to both on this matter but failed because their post is censored. Quote from Justin Welby’s PA, “The Archbishop has not the time to discuss theology.” Unquote.

The war in Gaza is an example of the IDF ignoring intelligence reports of a planned attack on Israel. Despite a long history of being attacked on their Feast and Holy days. The 7th of October 2023 was a Jewish Holy Day, but security was not strengthened.

Similarly, Britain, despite being pagan in origin, has a long history of being infiltrated by The Roman Version of Christianity. The rejection of which was the beginning of a Church of England that had been excommunicated by the Vatican in Rome.

The real meaning of ‘Church’ is given in the New Testament Canon of Scripture. It is a body of believers who are referred to as ‘The Body of Christ’ of which Christ is The Head, and not man. We are The Church and Body of Christ. Being many members, but One Body, One Faith, One LORD, One Baptism of repentance by full immersion and of the Holy Spirit, and only One Hope of our calling.

I am saying these things because the Lord has recently permitted me to discern what is causing the present decline in church authority and the ensuing decline in national security, morality, and the increasingly violent conduct in our now multicultural society. These observations have been done according to His principal, that:

“We must FIRST remove the Roman plank of misconception from our own Church of England’s eyes before we offer to remove the splinters that blind our brothers under the same dominion that Rome offers.”

To be multicultural means that we now have multiple gods and religions.

To mix the worship of Christ with the worship of any other things or gods is Spiritual Harlotry! Let me explain.

We do not live in a merely material world.

There is a supernatural and Heavenly realm too that very few are aware of. But it explains many, if not all of life’s mysteries.

In Britain today we have Two Basic Forms of Christianity.

The first was The Original Apostolic Faith.

Often referred to more precisely as The Way. Meaning ‘The Way to Eternal Life’.

This is the church that turned the world upside down! It was Created, empowered, and directed by the Holy Spirit. The Book of Acts clearly shows this.

It is also The Faith that was Once delivered to the saints personally by Our lovely Jewish Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth. This Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven was preached by Him and His disciples and was confirmed by Signs and Wonders Following the Word preached. It is therefore a principal of the kingdom of Heaven, “Whatever you teach in the spirit manifests in this world and in the flesh.” There is a reason for this:

“Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.

Therefore, we must all be changed!”

This supernatural change was achieved in a remarkable New and Living Way on The Day of Pentecost when His disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit. Tongues of fire appeared on them, and they spoke with other tongues so that Jews of many different countries and language heard The Mighty Works of God proclaimed in their own tongues.

These Mighty Works of God are relevant today!

In Matthew 11:20-24 the Lord began to rebuke the cities in which most of His Mighty Works had been done, because they did not repent!

“Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida!

For if The Mighty Works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago.

And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to Heaven will be brought down to Hades!

For if the Mighty Works which were done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this Day.

Both Tyre and Sidon in Lebanon, and Sodom and Gomorrah were places of extreme perversion. But the Lord is saying, “If the mighty works of God had been done in them, they would have repented and remained to this day!”

Now apply that to today’s rather confusing multicultural and multigendered society and the worship of many foreign gods!

Here is an opportunity for The Church to demonstrate the love and mercy of God through such mighty works of healing and salvation by faith that even the most perverted may turn in repentance and may escape The Coming Day of Judgement.

Even before The Day of Pentecost when His disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit the disciples had been given power over unclean spirits, the authority to cast out demons, and to heal all manner of disease and sickness. And in restoring this authority to mankind, Satan was seen to be cast out of Heaven and fall to Earth like lightening! There was no longer any room in Heaven for him or his angels, and The War In Heaven Stopped.

To realise the reality of this event is going to be an important part of His Church’s victory over evil, and over all the power of the enemy!

Never, ever, lose sight of it.

This Original Apostolic Faith first came to South Wales in AD 34!

King Caradog (of Glamorgan and Gwent) and his family are famous in Welsh records for their war effort against the Roman invasion of Wales, and for welcoming the Apostolic mission into Britain and helping the Church to become established as early as AD 36. The Welsh Triads, and the equally neglected Lives of Saints, contain clear and accurate accounts of how Saint ILID, namely Joseph of Arimathea, came at the request of Caradog’s saintly daughter, Eurgain, who is credited with being the first British convert to the ‘new religion’ which is more rightly termed, “The Way”.

Our Lord Himself said,

“I will build My Church,

and the Gates of Hades will not prevail against it.”

Our Second Form of Christianity is The Romanised Version.

This concept of Christianity planned to pervert the perceived Church of Christ by including the worship of pagan gods, saints and angels. Its degree of success is quite astonishing. But, as this enhanced Scripture says,

“The already divided east/west Iron of Rome could not properly adhere to the weakened clay of humanity, and both became partly strong and partly weak.” Daniel 2:41-43.

This Romanised version followed The Decree of the Council of Nicaea in AD 325.An already divided and unstable Roman Empire supernaturally managed to combine the worship of their own pagan deities with their perception of Christianity, namely the worship of saints and angels. All of which are completely contradictory with following The Teachings of Christ.

I say supernaturally because it is no accident that we have two forms of Christianity because there are also two supernatural kingdoms to choose from. The Church of England has experienced both. In the beginning it was separated from the Roman version by the actions of Martin Luther, King Henry VIII, and the dissolution of the monasteries and a welcome excommunication from the Vatican. Martin Luther, a popular Catholic priest, found 93 points of difference between Rome’s doctrines and the teachings of the Holy Scriptures which are able to make us wise to Salvation By Faith. Henry VIII needed a non-Catholic heir to his throne to maintain national security. And there were enough people in the corridors of power that were aware of these dangers that an Act was passed that banned any Roman Catholic from holding a position of authority in parliament, police, church, or education. This resolution did not go far enough and the Catholic priests went into hiding.

Sadly, the dangers were soon forgotten, and the Act was revoked.

I say supernatural because there was a spiritual power behind these decisions that again not many are aware of. That of Mithras and Mithraism.

This Romanised version is also ancient and has its roots not in Rome as first thought, but way back in the reconciliation of the Medes and Persians. This enabled them to rise up against Great Babylon and achieve a serious change of empire status. Babylon was made Great in the Lord’s plan to punish His people Israel, and yet preserve the best of Judah at a time when the Hebrews had flatly refused to keep The Sabbath Day of Rest for seventy weeks! Nebuchadnezzar was used to destroy the Temple in Jerusalem and take the best of Judah into captivity for seventy years!

Babylon had been founded on an oath to permit the gods of the underworld, Marduk and his son Nebu, to raise their heads and vie with Heaven itself.

Similarly, recent archaeological evidence in stone indicates that in Persia a portal was opened that allowed the spirit of Mithras to rise up from below and supernaturally reconcile two provinces to subdue the once Great Babylon.

This was a false reconciliation that produced the inferior kingdom and empire that Daniel’s interpretation foretold. Mithras is the spirit normally associated with Constantine the Great and his seemingly impossible reconciliation of the worship of pagan gods with that of the reverence of saints and angels. Both forbidden in the Scriptures! It gave Rome the opportunity to present a statue of Zeus the handsome white bull that seduced the Phoenician woman Europa, as the figure of Saint Peter!

Mithraism, the worship of Mithras, was part of Rome’s pantheon of gods and was an underground and secret affair, similar to that of Freemasonry. That also has found shelter in our churches and universities. There are the remains of a Mithraic Temple on the English side of Hadrian’s Wall, not far from Hexam.

This is the underlying reason why it was necessary for the Church of England to cast off the pagan harlotry of the Vatican City Romanised Version of Christianity! Which they did for a while because Henry VIII desperately needed a male heir to his throne to prevent a Romanised Catholic takeover of England’s royalty and throne. It’s a classic example of the nation first needing Spiritual Warfare, because we do not live in a merely material world. The spiritual came first. Heaven above and Earth below. That’s why Paul writes:

We do not wrestle with the flesh and blood of those ensnared by Roman practices in our own Church of England, but we must first wrestle with principalities and powers in the heavenly realms, and against the rulers of the darkness of this age! Therefore, put on the whole armour of God that we may be able to stand in these evil days.

Diligently pursue sound doctrine.

Then you can powerfully resist the devil and see him flee!

However, we cannot remove the Romanised Version entirely because Rome is to be judged after the Second Coming of the LORD with all His saints. But we must not be found to be doing any part of it! lest we share in her sins.

I’ve said above that this is an opportunity for the believer to do spiritual warfare. We cannot get rid of the Roman Version of Christianity because “the woman that you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the Earth,” Revelation 17, “Come I will show you the judgement of the great harlot, Rome, who sits and rules in many nations, with whom the kings of the Earth have committed spiritual adultery!

That harlotry started with the Council of Nicaea when they reconciled the pagan deities of Rome with Rome’s perceived idea of Christianity which was another perversion of the real faith, namely the worship of saints and angels. These abominations will be judged after the Lord’s Second Coming. The harlot will be burned with fire and her kingdom given to the beast. At His Second Coming the unholy trio will be dealt with. The beast and the false prophet are taken captive and cast alive into the lake of fire and brimstone. Where the smoke of their torment will ascend forever. The fire will never be quenched.

The cry in Revelation 18 is:

“Babylon the great is fallen and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit. Come out of her My people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.”

Since my conversion in 1980 I have only met two born-again vicars. One in the Gloucester area and one here in Newbold, Rugby. It is obvious from one of our Church of England parish magazines that some of its writers have no idea that Christ crucified and risen again is an answer to death. If the dead do not rise, then our faith is in vain. Christ crucified is the answer to all life’s problems, and He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind.

If you find yourself in a church or congregation that has succumbed to such vague and vain practices, seek the Lord on how to respond to those around you, and where to go and what His purpose is for your life. We have not many years to go. I am 78 years old in time and 44 years in the faith, and He has made me understand that He will be returning in my lifetime. Eternity is a vast subject but well worth a little time to study it. I once met a Baptist minister in Coventry who said, “I don’t have a problem with Rome.” I am writing these things so that you may never have a problem with the Romanised Version.

Examples of the Roman Stuff still practiced.

First came The Changing of times and seasons.

The way Rome changed the times and seasons is more divisive than anyone could imagine. It refers to changing from the Jewish way of counting years and seasons to a Roman version. First the Julian before Christ, and much later the Gregorian to correct a small error in the years length.

However, the error was in the Roman version not in the Jewish, because the Jewish calendar numbers the years from Creation! And when you do that, it nails The Six Days of Creation. In the beginning God Created the Heavenly Realms and the planet Earth.

Neither do you have the distinction between Before Christ (BC) and After Adonai’s first coming, or Anno Domini (AD). But at least they acknowledge the mighty change that Christ brought to mankind’s condition.

The Julian calendar was a dating system established by Julius Caesar as a reform of the Roman republican calendar. By the 40s BCE the Roman civic calendar was three months ahead of the solar calendar. To correct this error they introduced the Egyptian solar calendar, taking the length of the solar year as 365 1/4 days.

The Gregorian calendar was proclaimed in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as a reform of the Julian calendar. A slight inaccuracy in the measurement of the solar year (365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.25 seconds) caused the calendar dates of the seasons to regress almost one day per century.

Easter was a pagan feast possibly derived from Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. It had nothing to do with the Jewish Feast of Passover which was a celebration of the blood of The Passover Lamb being applied to the lintel and door posts of a house in order that the angel of death might pass over and strike their enemies, the Egyptians.

Followers of the Original Apostolic form of Christianity resisted all such forms of paganism and multiple deities. It was the Roman Emperor Constantine’s Council of Nicaea in AD 325 that decreed Passover should become Easter. Part of their Roman policy to erase all Jewish connections from their Romanised Version of Christianity.

Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny are both fertility symbols, used in the feast of Estarte. And the lighting of candles in churches corresponds to pagan bonfires.

  • Baptism by Full Immersion becomes ‘a Sprinkling of holy water’.

This Romanised Version then became the State Recognised Religion of the Roman Empire. In a further erosion of Jewish Laws concerning baptism by full immersion, the Emperor Constantine baptised his whole army into the new religion with a mere sprinkling of ‘holy’ water. This practice continues today in The Church of England.

  • “Erect No Graven Image of Me.”

The Church of England is adorned with many crucifixes showing the Christ hanging on a Roman cross. It has been my personal experience that this can cause a serious spiritual disturbance to the atmosphere, even to passing through the walls that they hang on! It is similar to the evil that emanates from decorated wooden voodoo masks. It stems from, ‘Cursed is he who hangs on a tree.’

  • ‘We believe in the Holy Roman Catholic Church’

Believers in The Original Apostolic Version of Christianity do not believe in ‘The Holy Roman Catholic Church’ which is still part of the liturgy of some Anglican churches.

The remedy for all this harlotry is given in Revelation 18. The woman that the prophecy speaks of is Rome! And it’s obvious from the words used that some of the Lord’s people are going along with her wicked ways.

“Come out of her My people lest you share in her sins and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached up to Heaven and God has remembered her iniquities. She glorified herself and lived luxuriously and sensually, and she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen of heaven, and am no widow, and will see no sorrow’. Therefore, her plagues will come in one day. Death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is The LORD GOD who has judged her.

The kings of the Earth who committed spiritual fornication and lived luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her when they see the smoke of her burning and torment.

And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the Earth.”

You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.

This knowledge of the truth comes only with gaining wisdom and understanding in the things of God. It is profound and yet quite simple because Jesus has understood our problem and voluntarily paid the price for our sins. The thief on the cross next to Him recognised that he, as a thief, deserved the death by crucifixion penalty. But this man Jesus had done no wrong! Turning from his old ways he rebukes his fellow thief and, turning to Jesus he very profoundly said, “LORD, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom.”

Jesus replied, “This day you will be with Me in paradise!”

Receiving and acting on The Truth is the answer to all our problems.

To this end, “Go into all the world and Make Disciples of all nations. Teaching and equipping them with the authority to become Fishers of Men.”

Concerning The Way, whatever we teach or preach manifests as being true.

If we don’t receive discipleship, we can’t teach discipleship, and the Body doesn’t manifest its best representation of The Kingdom and Apostolic Authority of God. That need apostles, prophets, miracles, and gifts of healings as The LORD Jesus Christ gave to the members of His Church.

The apostle Paul was a citizen of Rome and well educated, but he counted that as dung compared to the Riches of Christ and being a citizen of Heaven.

To follow the teachings of Christ as a disciple is the remedy for any church or denomination because the followers will then Teach others also. that’s multiplication of all the eight or more ministries, and the nine gifts of The Holy Spirit.

To the measure of the fullness and stature of the Son!

All this must be done with the power of another Helper, The Spirit of Truth.

Here it is in John’s gospel:

John 14:15-31. Another Helper, The Spirit of Truth.

“If you Love Me, Keep My Commandments. And I will pray The Father, and He will give you Another Helper, that He may abide with you forever!

The Spirit of Truth! whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But You know Him, for He Dwells with You and will be IN YOU. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.

“A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I Live, YOU WILL LIVE ALSO.

At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.

He who has My commandments and Keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and MANIFEST Myself to him.”

Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world?”

Jesus answered and said to him, “If Anyone Loves Me, he will Keep My WORD and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My WORDS. And The WORD which you hear is not Mine but The Father’s who Sent Me.

“These things I have spoken to you while being present with you.

But The Helper, The Holy Spirit, whom The Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance All Things that I said to you.

Peace, I leave with you, My peace I give to you! Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

You have heard Me say to you, “I am going away and coming back to you.” If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, “I am going to The Father,” for My Father is Greater than I. “And now I have told you before it comes to pass, that when it does come to pass, you may believe. I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. But that the world may know that I love The Father, and as The Father gave Me commandment, so I do.”

“Arise, therefore, let us go from here, and make more disciples.”