Of the accuracy and authenticity of the Hebrew Scriptures there is absolutely no debate. The Dead Sea Scrolls, found at Qumran confirm the Hebrew writings word-for-word from a time of 1,500 Years before Christ! Such is the diligence and accuracy of The Scribes, men trained in Reading and Writing to duplicate the Scriptures for many others who may be illiterate. The importance of knowing exactly what is written in The Scriptures is reflected by The Lord’s reply to His three temptations by Satan in the wilderness. Each time His reply includes:

“It is Written”

“It is Written”

“It is Written”

It is a quote from The Law of Moses in Deuteronomy 8:3.

“It is Written” also refers to The Divine Authority bestowed on the Writings of His Servants Moses, who gave us The Written Law of The LORD, The Holy prophets who gave us The Spoken Word, and The Psalmist of Israel, King David wrote the songs that both waged warfare by prayer, praise, and worship, and even calmed the evil spirit in king Saul as he playing his harp. Even as a shepherd boy David had been anointed as “King of Israel” by the prophet Samuel and was successful against the challenge of the giant Goliath because he had a covenant with The LORD GOD of Israel and Goliath had the audacity to challenge the whole army of Israel to a duel of champions by weapons that were only carnal.

Our Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth Himself taught, “The Scriptures Testify of ME.”


Israel and the Promised Land has gone through many periods of occupation and exile. Seventy years in Great Babylon. Then overtaken by the Medes and Persians. Followed by Alexandra the Great of Greece, and war with the Roman Empire for over one hundred years. So, Israel’s history has been written and rewritten several times from the secular point of view of its often-pagan conquerors. However, because of The Divine Inspiration of The Scriptures we have an almost Eye-Witness Account which is Totally Reliable and Trustworthy!

From Genesis Chapter 1 this first statement, “In the Very Beginning God Created from Nothing The Heavens and The Earth” makes Creation Week THE GREATEST EXAMPLE of the LITERAL meaning of these Ancient Records.

In Genesis Chapter 2 we also have this Grand Declaration:

“Thus, The Heavens and The Earth, and All The Host of them, were finished. THIS IS THE HISTORY of The Heavens and The Earth when they were Created, in The Day that The LORD God made The Earth and The Heavens.” “And The LORD God formed man of The Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils The Breath of LIFE! And man became a LIVING BEING.”

The LAST Day of that Creation Week was The Consecrated Seventh Day of Rest. This Shabbat Day of Rest has continued in Jewish circles to this day, as an Everlasting Commandment not to be messed with.

When the Jews of old refused for seventy weeks to Observe His Sabbath Day of rest The Lord sent them into Babylonian Exile for Seventy Years to taste what it really would be like to serve other gods. IT WAS FOR THEIR OWN GOOD because having other gods BROKE The Very First Commandment.

In “The Table of Nations” in Genesis Chapters 9 through 11 is the genealogy of the descendants of Noah and his sons that repopulated the Earth after the flood. And the order given is confirmed Name-by-Name in secular documents from many other ancient civilizations of very different languages. Nearly all those nations have an account of a Global Flood.

The Global Flood

It is important to realise that The Global Flood of Noah’s days was The LORD’s Judgement on the many wicked of the time. It was not just Adam’s sin that caused this catastrophe, but it was also the enormous sins of the Fallen Watchers (200 of them!). And it was Enoch who was empowered to proclaim the Judgement of The LORD upon them! They had taken an oath on Mount Hermon (that is how it got its name) to abandon their Heavenly Calling which was to “Watch over mankind in his early days” and report back to Heaven their needs. And instead determined to “Take wives of the beautiful daughters of men and gain children by them.” The illicit union of angels and flesh produced GIANT CHILDREN and Unclean spirits! They devoured everything that man could produce, and it caused much violence and bloodshed on The Earth. The LORD was greatly displeased with the Fallen Watchers, how they had abandoned their Heavenly duties and took it upon themselves to take wives of the beautiful daughters of men. Wives were appointed for men to multiply and occupy the Earth. But wives were Not appointed for the angels! The LORD then determined a Global Flood to totally remove the wicked from the face of The Whole Earth.

However, He told Enoch, “Go and warn Noah to build an Ark for the saving of his household.”

They laughed at Noah building such a huge boat. They had seen boats before, yes, but had never seen rain because until that time “The Earth was watered by a mist.”But the Flood came, as promised, and only eight souls were saved from the waters! Every other living thing in which there was The Breath of Life was destroyed! And The Flood Waters prevailed on the Earth for 150 days (5 months). The fountains of the deep were opened up and the Waters above were also released, adding to the destruction. Even the mountains were covered. During this great upheaval there was very rapid deposition of sedimentary rocks (as much as 3,000 feet in The Grand Canyon of Arizona, and that was only a small part of an area that covered about a third of the North American continent). There was also much volcanic activity that caused intrusions and folding of the soft sedimentary layers. So that The Flood changed the geology and climate of the Whole Earth.

The Great Rift Valley runs 4000 miles from Mount Hermon to the Sudan in Africa and includes The Lowest place on Earth, The Dead Sea. And one of the Hottest called The Hell Hole of Creation. It is obvious from the geography around the Dead Sea that this was the lowest drainage point on Earth. Here in the UK, we have “The White Cliffs of Dover” a 400-foot-high layer of chalk. The finest of all the sedimentary rocks! Made of Trillions of minute marine fossils. The Chalk Cliffs stretch from Kent in the east to The Isle of White and The Needles, near Portsmouth.

So, The Law is not the only thing Written in Stone!

We are standing on about 200 million trillion cubic kilometres of Global Flood geology. A figure calculated by a certified geologist who has visited every cliff-face on the planet. He reports seeing, “Only thousands of years of erosion. Not millions.”

“Enoch had to do with The Watchers” and is most enlightening on those days of global catastrophe. Enoch and was empowered to declare The LORD’s Judgement on the fallen ones. He was God’s Ambassador for Heaven on Earth.

“Enoch prophesied!” That makes him a prophet of The LORD.

Also, “Enoch walked with The LORD for 300 years!”

TO WALK WITH YOUR MESSIAH IS AN ABSOLUTE DELIGHT. An adventure in Love, Prayer, and effective Warfare! (See Romans Chapter 8.)

The observations recorded in The Book of Enoch are truly amazing. During those 300 years of walking with The Lord, he is shown and told to write down “The Day-Night Ratios of the sun and moon.” They are recorded in The Book of The Luminaries [Chapters 72-82] of 1 Ethiopian Enoch), and they reveal that the Latitude at which they were observed is that of Great Britain (calculated and confirmed by a Qualified Astronomer).

Enoch was also “taken up to Heaven and shown All the Secrets of Righteousness!” Which turn out to be “The Very Precise Order of Creation.” The orbits of the stars, the sun and moon, the seasons, and even the trees, they continue exactly as they were first made. Righteousness then, is having all things in order.

Lastly, “Enoch did not die, but was taken up” which puts him in the same class as Elijah and Melchizedek. But most important, concerning The Beginnings of the Ancient Writings, it was Enoch’s grandfather, Mahalalel that first started writing books to record the early events and genealogies of mankind. Mahalalel was concurrent with Adam for about 150 years! And he passed the books to his grandson Enoch with the instructions: “To pass them on and teach your children. So that they also can teach their children’s children.” Those First Books got passed on to Noah who then brought them through the Flood. And in the Writings of Enoch and Noah we have lots more detail that is both confirmed in Scripture and enhances our understanding of those ancient times.

These ancient writings, and later The Scriptures, came to us in several stages that give us a total of Six Thousand Years of Earth’s history. And repeatedly they demonstrate the Authority and Power of Our Creator, Savior, and LORD. Remarkable things like,

“Man was made in the image of God. Male and female He made them.”

I have been instructed to,

“Write The Vision and make it Plain on Tablets, that he who Reads it may RUN with it. For The Vision is yet for an Appointed Time. But at The End it will speak, and it will not lie.” (from Habakkuk 2) Hence, this Vision is available for all to RUN with. The Words belong to The Church which is His Body. They are not mine. And I have no intention of applying Copyright to another joyous expression of The Original “Authorised to Be Red in Churches” Holy Scriptures. However, “Intellectual Property Rights” will apply by law and this website,, should be acknowledge as your origin in any reproductions.

The Scriptures we are using here are based on the New King James version plus some Hebrew and Greek meanings. I call it The SHOUT LOUDER Version which is a sort-of Amplified Version, but we cannot call it ‘Amplified’ because ‘Amplified’ is Copyrighted.

We Thank You Lord for The Life-Giving Miracle of Your Scriptures.

It was the angels that first taught man the art of Reading and Writing. It followed on from the miracle of “Man being made a speaking spirit.” A very special and complex form of communication. But not a gift exclusive to man. Many birds and animals also have vocal calls for alarms, courting displays, and expressions of needs and emotions. A cat for instance has over one hundred different sounds in its vocabulary. Twice as many as a dog. The LORD inhabits The Praises of His People!” Therefore, “Let Everything that has Breath Praise The LORD!”


Part 1. The Oldest of the known “Ancient Records”

Enoch’s grandfather, Mahalalel, first gave Books to his grandson Enoch. With instructions to “Teach your children also.”

Now Mahalalel was concurrent with Adam for about 150 years! And it is quite possible that he got a “First Hand Account” of the days following the Creation of man and his being put out of The Garden due to their compliance with “the temptation of the serpent.”

Enoch had to do with The Watchers. A type of angel given the God-Appointed task to watch over mankind in their early and vulnerable days when their numbers were few.

When 200 of them took an oath to abandon their Heavenly Calling and take wives of the beautiful daughters of men, this disastrous coupling of the angels with the flesh of mankind brought forth GIANT children. Hybrids and very greedy children that soon consumed all that mankind could produce. And it caused much violence and bloodshed upon the Earth. To such an extent that The LORD regrated making man in His Own Image. He was supposed to have dominion over every living creature. But, through disobedience, he had lost it.

Enoch was empowered to proclaim The Lord’s Judgement on The Fallen Watchers. And there was NO Mercy or forgiveness for them. Rather a Great Judgement to remove all the wicked from the face of the Earth with a Great Flood.

This Global Flood was going to happen in the days of Noah. And Noah was warned to build an ark for the saving of your household. And only eight souls were saved through the flood.

But, again, “The Books” were passed on to Noah with the same instructions. To “Teach your children’s children also.”

Part 2. The Hebrew Holy Writings.

King David writes this of the Wisdom of the Hebrew Scriptures:

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the Ungodly, nor stands in the way of Sinners. But his Delight is in The Law of The LORD, and in His Law, he meditates Day and Night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in due season, whose leaf does not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper. The Ungodly are not so!” (Psalm 1)

The 1800’s were not a good time in the history of the Holy Scriptures. So, we must look at some of the events that led to this rather poor spiritual condition.

“Death reigned from Adam to Moses” because there was no Written Law to identify sin. But when “The Law” was added it became “Our School Master” to point us to Christ, The Coming Messiah! The whole of Jewish Temple Service and sacrifice was a pattern of the HUGE Heavenly COST of restoring Righteousness to a fallen mankind. The service and sacrifices were done through appointed Elders, Prophets, Priests, and Kings, all according to GOD’s Given Laws.

Which brings us to the controversy over The Name of The Lord God of Israel.

“The Name of The Lord” was well known in the days between Adam and Noah when mankind had been removed from the garden of Eden and no longer had access to “The Tree of Life.” As sin and violence increase under the rebellion of the two hundred “Fallen angels” of Enoch’s time, “men began to call on The Name of The Lord.” The Giant children that the angels produced with the beautiful daughters of the sons of God were causing much distress on the Earth. So much so that the Creator’s judgement was the drowning of every breathing thing on the Earth by a global flood. Only eight righteous souls of Noah’s family were saved. The LORD’s recorded Name of that time was “The Elect One” and The Name was held in Great Reverence by those ancient patriarchs.

The Earth was repopulated by Noah’s descendants after the Flood Waters subsided. Seth was the most righteous and gave rise to the Hebrew nation. But wickedness continued also and climaxed at the building of the Tower of Babel. Up to this point the people had only one language. So, the simple answer to stop the building progressing any further was to confuse the languages of the people and scattered them as separate people groups, as He had intended them to do in the first place. Hence, we have accounts of a Global Flood, a Creator, and of angels (often thought of as “Aliens” and depicted as Giants and Hybrid creatures, held in awe and deemed “worthy of worship”). These accounts are common to many of the ancient civilisations. And although their languages became very different, they retained Exceptional Building Skills, Uniform and Standardised Measurements, and the understanding to Align their Structures with Astronomical Events such as the winter and summer solstice, and spring and autumn equinox. However, these events often took on deep and dark religious significance and the worship of many different deities.

The Tower of Babel (meaning confusion) was built in Babylon, just north of the Great River Euphrates’ delta. It became a land infamous for its many gods and idols. Abram and his cousin Lot were raised there, but The Lord appeared to Abram and called him out of that land of idolatry to serve Him in a land that He would show him. The land of Canaan. And He promised to give it to him and his descendants. At that time Abram did not know The Name of The Lord but he certainly knew His voice, and that The Most High God was appearing to him and Speaking with him.

Abram obeyed and was led to the land of the Canaanites via the Fertile Crescent. He and his family were herdsmen and they prospered in the land and their herds grew so large that they needed to separate. Lot chose the green and fertile plain of the Jordan Rift Valley. But later, having pitched his tent with the Sodomites near the Dead Sea, became grieved with their perverted morals.

Abraham turned west and again prospered. Although among similar idolatrous and perverted people he did not pitch his tents with them but did gain favour with them. Abraham was blessed and fathered many great nations. Ishmael (not a son of promise) fathered the Arab nations and was dubbed “a wild man”. But Isaac was his true Son of Promise and gave rise to Jacob and the twelve tribes of Israel via four different mothers. Hence the sibling rivalry that got the favoured Joseph sold into slavery in Egypt.

Yes, Jacob had four wives. Not considered ‘Out of order’ in those times. Remember, the beautiful Rachel was his first love, and he laboured seven years for her. But Laban gave him much liquor on his wedding night and substituted his eldest, Leah, for his first wife. (The eldest to marry first is good practice and continues today in Orthodox Jewish practice and many other cultures.) Undaunted Jacob worked another seven years for his first-love Rachel. Sadly, she proved barren, and Leah was the first to bare sons for him. Reuben being the eldest would have inherited the massive “First Son Blessing” but was disqualified through sin! Not a new concept, for Cane was also the firstborn of Adam, but killed his brother Abel, and was put even further out of the garden!

Joseph prospered in Egypt, even in slavery, for The Lord was with him and he had the gift of interpreting dreams. This came to the notice of the Pharaoh and The Lord used Joseph to prepare Egypt for a coming famine of seven years. The ‘slave’ became Governor of all Egypt! And, when the money failed, grain was exchanged for livestock and land in the hard times. So, Pharaoh became The Owner of All Egypt. This proved to be “the salvation of Joseph’s family” and the Hebrew nation later blossomed under hard labour.

Hence, we have, in the Scriptures, “In all work there is profit.”

Still with me?

Yes, it is a long line of history – but it is worth remembering. These Jewish concepts and connections are important to our Faith in Christ and its origins. This Scriptural History and its concepts help keep us connected to the mind of our Creator and Redeemer. And it is these very connections that have been deliberately eroded over the centuries by a succession of “evil men and their wicked doctrines”. So, we are still on the subject of the validity and accuracy of the Ancient Records and of The Holy Scriptures.

The Hebrews were in Egypt for about 430 years. The last part of that was under a pharaoh that did not know Joseph and he put them to hard labour and took away their sons. The people cried out to The Lord and He heard them from Heaven.

Over a period of 40 plus years He prepared Moses and Aaron to speak to pharaoh and to “Let My People GO!” Moses was fearful at first (he had killed an Egyptian!) and fled to his father in Midian. So, he was troubled about returning to the land.

“Who am I Lord to speak to Pharaoh?” Moses asked.

The Lord’s reply was,

“Tell them The I AM has sent you.”

Pharaoh’s heart was so hardened it took ten plagues and ten pleas to move him to let them go. In the end it was the people’s obedience to The Lord’s instructions to sacrifice a lamb for each family that clinched the deal and caused “Death to Pass Over the Hebrews and take out only the firstborn of Egypt.” It was typical righteous and poetic justice on their oppressors! And the Passover Feast of remembrance was born, celebrating the deliverance of a whole nation from the idolatry and oppression of foreign gods in one day!

The purpose of the release was to “Serve The Lord Our GOD” in the wilderness and to journey on to The Land that had been Promised to Abraham. Hence, “The Promised Land of Israel.”

In the wilderness The Law was given and Written on Stone by the Finger of God. TWICE! The Pattern for a Tabernacle of Meeting – a Meeting Place with Our Lord – was given from Heaven. And it was ordained “a Most Holy Place of Meeting.” The Passover, only one of several annual feasts, became an important commandment and a family affair. The Law was “Law” and quite strict in that it discerned what was “Clean” and what was “Unclean” and how to love The Lord with ALL your heart and to love your neighbour too. On the eve of the second Passover ever held, some men became defiled by accidental contact with a corpse. And being grieved that they would not be allowed to “Keep the Passover” they went to Moses to explain. Moses immediately enquired of The Lord, and The LORD said,

“Let them Keep The Feast of Passover.

It is a Higher Commandment.”

This is recorded in Numbers chapter 9 and is an historical event of Eternal significance. Christ was about to become “Our Passover Sacrificial Lamb” – Once and for All. I say “about to” because the Promise of a Redeeming sacrifice for our sins was to be fulfilled on The Eve of The Passover in Jerusalem under the occupation of the Roman Empire in AD 33. That’s just over 1500 years later. But the pattern for sacrifice for sin was being set here in the Passover Meal and the “Haggadah” – the telling of the Exodus miracles that delivered a whole nation in one night.

It was no accident. Death under Jewish Law was by stoning. But under Roman Law it was by public crucifixion. The most painful death imaginable. Isaiah 53 tells of “A Lamb led to the slaughter”. And another that “He was the Lamb of God crucified before the foundation of the Earth!” Such is the accuracy of Scripture.

After the flood The Lord’s instructions were to “Scatter and occupy the whole Earth.” But the people rebelled against scattering (perhaps because they were so few) but no! They wanted to build a high tower to “Make a name for themselves” and escape any further judgement in case there was another flood. Despite The LORD’s PROMISE Not to Flood the world again!

Settling and building Babylon and The Tower of Babel then was a complete rebellion against The LORD’s best for them. The Tower was never finished because The LORD saw the danger coming and went down to confuse their languages so that they could not complete The Tower. The different Languages therefore are The Lord’s means of creating countries with physical and cultural differences that are a ‘Safe-Guard’ against further heights of Disobedience and Rebellion.

“Your rebellion is as witchcraft!”

The Work and Craft of Witches.

The account of the Global Flood, and the people’s extraordinary building skills, and standardised megalithic measurements, then went around The World in all languages, and are expressed in nearly all ancient cultures.

The Welsh language, despite being one of the oldest in Europe, has been attacked and generally ignored by the Romans and the British alike. And their Welsh literature and history has remained hidden from proper scholarly analysis. The Roman legions had great difficulty getting into the hilly areas of Wales and Northern England for the ground did not suit the use of infantry. This was especially so in South Wales because of the guerilla tactics of Caradog and his loyal forces. Some even joined him without pay! After over twenty years of war and no end in sight, negotiation was tried, but that failed too, and rather than face loss of face in Rome, they Romanised much of England and its aristocracy! The legacy remains today! The signing of the “Treaty of Rome” was one of the turning points in the subjugation of whole nations to the European Union.

Romanisation is what Rome does.

Especially through the so-called ‘Church’ which was a ‘counterfeit reconciliation’ achieved by the spirit behind Romanisation, Mithras.

MITHRAS appeared way back in the kingdom of Persia. Emerging from a rock indicates that he came up from the underworld. The same underworld on which the foundations of Babylon were laid! Mithras then reconciles the Medes and Persians in order to destroy “The Golden Head” of the Babylonian empire. That’s what Mithras does! It Romanises everything within its grasp. Its final Target is The Church.

Mithras is a person.

Mithras is therefore an “ANTICHRIST” and will want to sit in The Temple, declaring himself to be GOD.

Does he have a female partner? I think he does. Zeus is the father of Roman gods, and Europa became his harlot wife. She bore a son and was awarded the title, “Queen of Heaven” of which there is NO such thing in Scripture. She is depicted, high on a column, having a garland of twelve stars and, at her feet, a live baby dragon! Mary Queen of Heaven is definitely NOT the Virgin Mary who bore Jesus of Nazareth. King of the Jews.


His feet will Stand on the Mount of Olives, and it will SPLIT IN TWO, undoing the work of MITHRAS. And a Great Vallet will be formed, by which those remaining in The City will be able to escape.

“It will be in the evening when it is still light.”

In the Scriptures it says that “It is a pity to speak of the things that the wicked do.”

But I must balance that with a recent encouragement from The Lord,

“Every Lie will be Exposed and Every Truth Established.”

So, a Revival of The Real Faith of The Son of God could be like “Opening a Can of Worms”

Considering the severity of The Lord’s Judgement on the wicked of Noah’s days, “Why should anyone wish to continue in their evil ways?”

Part 3. The Canon of New Testament Scriptures.

What is now called The Canon of Scripture is a collection of ‘approved’ manuscripts put together by Catholic Scholars in the first days of the printing press when they were under pressure to release the Scriptures in ‘everyday’ languages. Up until then, they had remained as individual manuscripts written according to the disciple’s personal observations, and their instructions from The Master. They remained as separate accounts in Aramaic, Hebrew, Latin, and Greek (unreadable for most) until the days of the printing press arrived in the 1600’s. At first The Canon excluded The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ given to John on the Isle of Patmos because it exposed “The Judgment of The Great Harlot. The woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus! And the woman that you saw is that Great City (Rome) which reigns over the kings of the Earth.” (Revelation 17) But The Canon also included books of the Apocrypha, with some very interesting spiritual bits such as ‘Daniel exposing Bel, the dragon god of Babylon’. But these were removed before we got “The Holy Bible King James Version” as we know it today. The King James Version was “Authorised to be Read in Churches.” And should be.

The Jewish Meanings and Practices eroded from Scripture by “Romanisation”.

The Communion Scriptures from The LORD!

1 Corinthians 11:23-26.

“For I received from The LORD that which I also delivered to you: that The LORD Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread, and when He had Given Thanks, He Broke it and said,

“Take, eat; this is My Body which is BROKEN for you. Do this In Remembrance of Me.” In the same manner He also took the cup After Supper, saying, “This cup is the New Covenant in My BLOOD. Drink it in Remembrance of Me. For as often as you Eat this Bread and Drink this Cup, You Proclaim The LORD’s Death till He Comes!”

After Supper, shows us that the time is Evening as in The Jewish Calendar in which each Day begins at Sun-Down. These Jewish meanings and The Practice have been deliberately ERODED from The Western Church by “Romanisation.” Still evident in Church of England practice and Doctrine. This MUST BE REMEDIED by Exposing these Errors.

“The Dilutions of Scripture” in Time-Order.

Fear not! Although evil men and deceivers have done their worst to corrupt the Ancient Records and give us “another Jesus of a greatly diminished order” we still have the inerrant Authority of Scripture! Submitted to The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Truth, when you see “LORD”, “God”, or “Maker” you can read into those simple Words the Full meaning and Authority of His Miracle Working NAME. You do not have to buy a “New Translation.”

Quote: “Do not be removed from the Simplicity that is in Christ Jesus”

The Hebrew nation were first given The Written Law by Moses. But also,

“The Heavens Declare The Glory of The LORD and the firmament shows His Handiwork. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard, and their Words have gone out to The Ends of The World.” Psalm 19.

“The Law of The LORD is Perfect, Converting the soul.

The Testimony of The Lord is Sure, making Wise the simple.

The Commandment of The LORD is Pure, enlightening the eyes.

The Fear of The LORD is Clean, enduring Forever.

The Judgments of The Lord are True and Righteous altogether.

Moreover, by them Your servant is Warned,

and in Keeping them there is Great Reward.”

Moses’ face shone so brightly from being in The Prescence of The Lord when he received The Law that he had to cover his face. Yes,

The Law was Written IN STONE by The Finger of God, TWO TIMES!

But did they keep it?


And in disobedience even The Promised Land “vomited them out” and caused them to be dispersed. Their Holy Temple and the Holy City, now defiled, were destroyed and they were led back into captivity, idolatry, and slavery as they had been in Egypt. It was Seventy Years of Exile for Seventy Weeks for refusing to “Keep the Sabbath Holy.” Ironically Daniel the prophet later Understood from the Words of the prophecy of Jeremiah that “Seventy Years of Destruction would be determined on the Holy City, and then, and only then could the Walls be rebuilt.” This kind of Understanding gained from The Law and the Prophets sets us apart from our apparently hopeless circumstances and gains Great Favor with the King.

“The Miracle Working NAME of The Lord”

Again, through disobedience the Jewish nation was afflicted with 400 years of “Silence from Heaven” and not one single Word from His Prophets up to the time of John the Baptist who was calling all Israel to “Repent and be baptized for the remission of your Sins!” And, when Jesus came to him, pointed out, “Behold, The Lamb of God that takes away the Sin of The World!” And when The Spirit came down upon Him as He arose from the water, it remained on Him! Another Sign that He was The True Messiah. 

Judah and even The Holy Temple Services had become so corrupt and idolatrous that the Pharisees and Scribes banned the use of The Messiah’s Name. They did not even allow it to be expressed in public! Instead, when it came to Writing about their Wonderful expected Messiah, they spelt it “G-d”.

“Heaven and Earth will pass away,

BUT NOT ONE JOT or Title shall pass away from The Law.”

The Yod is the “Jot (‘) that will not pass away from The Law.

And yet they did away with The Holy Name! Hence, we have the High Priest and the Pharisees warning the Disciples, “Don’t you dare preach in that NAME.” And we might add from Scripture,

“It Works Miracles, Signs, AND Wonders, and it Sets people FREE!”

This was perhaps the most damaging blasphemy! And it came from His Own Chosen people.

And this from Paul’s letter to Timothy:

“All Scripture is given by The Inspiration of God, and is PROFITABLE for Teaching Doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for Instruction in Righteousness, so that The Man of God may be COMPLETE, and thoroughly EQUIPPED for every GOOD WORK.” (2 Timothy 3:16) “The HOLY Scriptures are able to make one Wise to Salvation which is found through FAITH In CHRIST JESUS Our Messiah.” And that Faith in Christ “Comes by Hearing, and Hearing comes by The Word of God.”

Despite all this The Truth and Authority of The Scriptures are often challenged by unbelievers who simply can’t understand it. For the first 33 years of my pagan-like existence I was one of them. And stubbornly declared in my heart, “I don’t want to know this Jesus!” In the flesh there is an obvious enmity against God!

Beware therefore, of an evil heart of Unbelief.

To overcome this enmity, we MUST BE “Born Again from Above by The Living Word of God.” Straight away The New Creature in Christ knows that he has Eternal Life and that his SINS are Forgiven! HE IS CLEAN and Acceptable in the Prescence of HIS CREATOR GOD. Our Lovely Messiah is able to Give Eternal Life to as many as will come to Him.

Notice please, that Salvation comes through Faith which is IN CHRIST JESUS Our Messiah! And then, when we are made Alive to God, Scripture can equip us thoroughly for Every Good Work! Because we are now motivated and empowered to be His Eyewitnesses by The Holy Spirit and The Word of God. I charge you therefore before God and The Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom people, at His Second Appearing. Preach The Word! For the time will come when they will not endure Sound Doctrine, and they will turn their ears away from The Truth of The Scriptures and The Faith of The Son of God and be turned aside to fables.

“Keep The Faith.”

And, above all “KEEP The Unity of the FAITH” and

“The Beautiful Unity of The Knowledge of The Son of God.” So that we are no longer ‘children’ tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. But by Great and Precious Promises we become PARTAKERS of THE DIVINE NATURE. Even to The Measure of The Fullness and Stature of The Son of God!

There are many so-called “faiths” in the world. But they do not all lead to the same god. And no other religion has a Son of God who died for Our Sins. Repeat: NO OTHER RELIGION HAS A SON of GOD WHO DIED FOR YOUR SINS!

Our God is The One True and Living God of The Scriptures. “They Testify of Me!” And if you Truly follow The Scriptures and The Law, they will be “Your School Master to bring You to The Christ.” And since He is The Creator of all things, it has about 6000 years of Adorable History and Instruction to follow.

The Roman Empire Millstone bit.

“If we don’t keep the commandments and teach others the same, we may as well have a millstone put around our necks and be thrown into the sea.” This He was Teaching while His people were under the dominion of Roman occupation. Of which they had endured for about a hundred years. But “In the fulness of time Christ came, and was Crucified, according to The Promise in The Scriptures.”

He became “Our Passover Lamb” under Moses Law and under the Roman Law of Death by Crucifixion.

“In the fulness of timeis referring tothe times and seasons of the Jewish Calendar based on Lunar months and days. At the time of Christ, the calendar being used by the Romans was “The Julian Calendar”. The days and seasons are very different! Sunday for instance is a day named after the Sun god (Rah in Egypt). Thurs day is for Thor the war god of the north. This “Seeking to change times and seasons” is foretold in the Scriptures and seeks to dislodge the principal of times given to the Jews by The Laws of Moses. Enoch warns us that, “By these things men fall into Grave Errors!”

Further Romanisation of the times has occurred with the removal of Anno Domini AD, and Before Christ BC from our calendar language. They are now Pre-Christian Era PCE and Post Christian Era, also PCE. Since Covid-19 the Chinese Wuhan Biological Warfare Lab 4 has given us “Pre-Covid”.

Under Jewish Law the death penalty was by stoning. Under Roman occupation the Jews were not permitted to put anyone to death. Rome served a different king, Caesar, and execution under Roman law was by crucifixion. Hence, we have, “In the fulness of time under Roman occupation Our Lovely Messiah had to be handed over to wicked hands and crucified”. But it was done, NOT By accident or by EVIL intent, but AS PROMISED in The Scriptures!

It was probably this grave error of the Jews banning The NAME that first opened the door of adversity and let the Romans in. It has been that way with many nations, but especially the Jews. This led to another fulfilment of Scripture and Prophesy – the destruction of the Herodian Temple. “Though it is splendid in appearance, Not One Stone shall be left on another.” And under the Roman General Titus a final campaign against the Jewish resistance breached the City Walls and The Temple Compound was destroyed. Temple Mount and the once Holy City were ploughed flat and became a dumping ground. This destruction was going to last a lot longer than the Seventy Years exile in Babylon. Again, fulfilling prophecy. The Golden Lampstand was taken to Rome, and a carving of it can be seen today on the Triumphant Arch near the Vatican City. The ruined site of Jerusalem then became a Roman city, Anatolia, complete with Triumphant Arches, and Roman Temples. Some of the Herodian stones were reused in the Roman rebuild, and later Islam rebuilt Jerusalem and the once HOLY and Jewish Temple Mount became “Islam’s second most holy site.”

The errors are obvious when one looks closely. The Tabernacle of Meeting and the First Temple were a pattern of the Temple in Heaven. And it was king Solomon that built it on “The Threshing Floor”. A strictly level piece of ground where the grain can be spread out to be trodden down, and the chaff easily blown away. This would not be so on the rocky peak of a mountain as “The Dome of The Rock” is. The Dome sits today in-line with the arched aqueduct and royal entrance that are on a double arched construction visible in the Tunnel Tour. Neither royalty nor water entered at the rear of the Temple building! There are about 11 cisterns within the rock of the mount, but only two water sources flowing in for the Temple services. One to the north, and one to the south. The one to the north was cut off by the north wall of Herod’s Extension. It too can be seen as the last item on the Tunnel Tour, and the other half from the basement of the Ecce Homo Guest House. The southern water supply came by aqueduct from Bethlehem (eleven miles away) and entered Temple Mount via the double arched aqueduct to the south of the Temple and fed a large underground cistern. There was no cistern directly under The HOLY Temple! And lastly, the alignment of the Temple was very precise to meet the rising sun at the spring and autumn equinox. That’s the time of “Equal day and night” when the Feast of the Passover and of Tabernacles are celebrated. The alignment was achieved by the three points of the Temple door, the Golden Gate, and the place of The Lord’s ascension near Bethany. That’s not quite exactly on the peak of the Mount of Olives but very slightly north. That line puts the Holy Temple quite a bit north of the Dome, and almost exactly where “The Cupola” is placed. This is really great Good News for it means neither the Jews nor the Arabs have to demolish or alter the Dome in order to permit Rebuilding the Temple, which to the Jews is an “Everlasting Commandment”. There is a clue in the Scriptures that “there is a wall between the two houses”.

The destruction of AD 70 has eradicated the foundations of the Temple, and all but part of the Western Wall, so we must put all the evidence together carefully to ensure that The Holy Temple and The Holy of Holies are exactly where they need to be. It will not be an Ordained Holy Temple otherwise!


As Christianity spread around the known world it created a conflict of loyalties in the Roman Empire. When Jesus was preached as, “The king of the Jews” the Romans would reply, “We have no king but Caesar!” By the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (AD 325) something had to be done. The Empire had split between East and West. The West being based at Rome was the weaker of the two. Again, fulfilling Scripture concerning the Two Legs of Iron seen in Daniel’s vision of the empires to come. Rome is The Iron Kingdom that conquered the Bronze of the Greeks, who had conquered the Silver of the Persians and Medes, and Babylon had been the “Head of Gold”. And the succeeding empires were going to be “inferior kingdoms”.

Daniel’s ministry spans the seventy-year period of The Babylonian Captivity, but Daniel purposed in his Heart that he would NOT DEFILE himself! As such Daniel was in a good position when Nebuchadnezzar had a Dream that so troubled him that he gave command to“Call the magicians, the astrologers, the SORCERERS, and the Chaldeans to tell the king his dreams!” this was unheard of! But the king insisted. They answered, “There is no man on Earth who can tell the king’s matter. Except ‘the gods’ whose dwelling is NOT with FLESH.” For this reason, the king became very angry, and gave command to destroy ALL The Wise Men of Babylon. And they sought Daniel and his companions too. (This shows ‘the mind-set’ of Babylon and the Unbeliever.) Daniel and his companions sought to know, “WHY is the king’s decision so harsh? And the four sought The LORD for mercies! And Daniel was given the dream and the interpretation.


“You O King were watching and beheld a Great Image! This image’s Head was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of IRON, its feet of iron and partly of CLAY. You Watched while a STONE was Cut Out WITHOUT HANDS! And it Struck the Image at its Weakest Point ON ITS FEET of IRON and CLAY and BROKE THEM. Then all the others were CRUSHED TOGETHER and BLOWN AWAY like chaff. So that NO TRACE of THEM WAS FOUND! And The Stone became A GREAT MOUNTAIN and FILLED THE Whole Earth!”

The two IRON LEGS of the Roman Empire when mixed with the fragile clay of humanity make it “The Weakest Empire” in the whole history of the Earth. What was the golden head of a supernatural and very powerful spirit, based on the gods of the underworld, has, by mixing their powers with the weakness of flesh has now become such a fragile dominion that it is ALL turned to dust and blown away!

If you are in any way connected with a Romanised religion or empire, get out of it before You too become so weakened that You “Share in her sins and receive of her plagues!” Remember, Daniel and the many from Judah were, “the best of the bunch” and yet they were in exile for ‘somebody else’s sins’. But that was the way of the Jews. They would be walking with The Lord one generation, and not the next. If only One Man Sinned, the whole nation suffered the consequences, and battles were lost! This is a good lesson for all of us who believe, for not all that came out of Egypt entered His Rest. NO. Some even carried other gods in the wilderness! And they had the column of FIRE by night, and the pillar of cloud by day. Both would be obvious in such a clear desert environment.


For a full, vivid, and pictorial explanation of Daniel’s vision and the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy concerning the succession of Empires that we have had in the world to date I can recommend David Hathaway’s DVD “The Rape of Europe” – it was a Life-changer for me. It directly connects the present-day European Union and Rome with the pagan Babel and Babylon. After the Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar’s time was overrun by the invasion of the Medes and Persians, it retained its power in Babylon. After the Greeks under Alexandra the Great overran the Persian Babylon, it again retained its power in Babylon. But after the Romans conquered the Greeks, Babylon was left in ruins. And the pagan spirit of Babylon then moved to Rome! When the Germanic Tribes defeated the Roman Empire in Rome (now called “The Holy Roman Empire”) that spiritual power of Babylon moved to Berlin! In the late 1800’s German archaeologists discovered the Pergamon Altar almost intact in Pergamon, Turkey.

In Revelation Chapter 2:12-17 John is told to “Write to the angel of The Church in Pergamos, “I know your works and where you dwell, where Satan’s Throne is. And you Hold Fast My Name and did not deny My Faith even in the days in which Antipas My Faithful martyr was killed among you, where Satan dwells!”

The Altar was almost intact, a ‘Prize-Find’ and was dismantled and taken back to Berlin and about a third of it was re-erected in 1902. Kaiser Wilhelm II celebrated this as the highest achievement of his reign with an extravagant pagan festival to the gods!

There followed in 1908 a simultaneous outpouring of The Holy Spirit in Britain, in Chassell Germany, and in Susa Street, Los Angeles, California. There have been many such outpourings of The Holy Spirit. It is a Sign that “the Real Thing is here!” It astonished the Jews in Jerusalem at the time of Acts Chapter 2 and was a fulfilment of Joel’s prophecy.

“And it shall come to pass in the Last Days, says The LORD, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. They shall dream dreams and see visions. And I will show Signs and Wonders in the Heavens and in the Earth before the coming of The Great and Awesome Day of The Lord. And it shall come to pass that whoever Calls on The NAME of The LORD shall be Saved.”

Because of the animosity that had developed between Germany and Europe, this outpouring was investigated by the German Evangelical Churches. And in 1909, regardless of the evidence of humility, healing, and of the Fruit of The Spirit such as speaking in different tongues, made the Berlin Declaration that attributed the Pentecostal movement to the devil. At this time in history, since Martin Luther, there were both Catholic and Protestant believers in Germany, so the term Evangelical in this context will be the Protestant German Evangelical Churches. If it had been the Catholic, the Germans would have said ‘Catholic’.

Whichever side the Berlin Declaration came from, only the flesh could produce such a blasphemy against an outpouring of The Holy Spirit!

In 1913 the first pieces of Babylon’s Ishtar Gate and the Processional Way are brought to Berlin. The year after, Germany invades Belgium and World War I began. 10 million souls die. By the 1920’s Germany had become the Seat of Modern Liberal Theology. A movement that brought the Authority of Scripture and the Divinity of Our Messiah into question! That is still very much alive today in theological debate. And is the most recent cause of weakness in many Christian denominations. Even in Pentecostals.

In 1930 Babylon’s entire Gateway and Processional Way was erected in Berlin. Adolph Hitler was so impressed with the Pergamon Altar that in 1934 he orders a reproduction of Satan’s Seat for his Nazi rallies in Nuremberg. From which he proclaimed, “Death to the Jews and the destruction of their Homeland, Israel.” This was done in agreement with the Pope at the time and The Grand Mufti of the PLO. Yasser Arafat was his grandson. Hence, the Vatican remained silent on the attempted genocide of the Jews of Europe in the Holocaust of Six and a half million Jews. Including one and a half million children.

In 1939 World War II began and resulted in 55 million dead!

When Hitler was defeated in 1945 pieces of the Pergamon Altar were carried away as booty to Leningrad. But in 1958 at the request of the Germans, Khrushchev sends the looted parts of the Pergamon Altar back. And in 1959 the Pergamon Altar is re-erected in the Pergamon Museum, East Berlin. It was open to the public up until last year (2020). I went to see it as part of my research and intercession for The Lord, but it was closed! And no reason was given. But I got to see the Gate of Babylon and the Processional Way with its lots of lions, and a few other interesting things.

It is Well worth a visit.

Two days later, on French TV, I saw that The Pergamon Altar was undergoing a full restoration. It is so large that only about a third of it had been reconstructed. And as I have covered in “The EU and the Beast” I have the pictures to show it. The Scriptural conclusion that I immediately came to me was that it was being prepared for the hand-over from the Dragon to the Beast, as foretold in Revelation Chapter 13.

And I saw a Wild Beast rising up out of the SEA. The Dragon gave him his Power, his Throne, and Great Authority.

Picture of the Original.

The original Pergamon Altar.

They performed ritual human sacrifice here!

The relief carving around it depicts ‘The War of the gods’ and it was so big that only one third of it was first rebuilt in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.

Now it is being prepared, full-size, for the Beast of Europe to use.

And all the world marvelled and followed The Beast. It was Granted to The Beast to make War with The Saints and to Overcome them. All who dwell on The Earth will worship him, whose names have Not been Written in The Book of Life! If anyone has an ear, let him hear.

Here is The Patience and The Faith of The Saints.

It really does pay to Reason from The Scriptures.

Without them, no one will get the right answers. Many of these events have a “Cause and Effect” which I shall deal with further in “Signs of Sin.”

In 1947 the ‘Marshall Plan’ sets a United Europe in motion. This was ‘sold’ to the nations via a Frenchman to prevent further war in Europe. An idea that appealed to many after six years of “Blood, toil, and tears”. But what started as an Economic Community with Free Movement of Goods and People, gradually unfolded as “The Great Deception!” (There is a book having this title and it is most informative!)

To quote from the Strasbourg Parliament Building Audio Tour,

“We offer an alternative democracy that will totally override every other national democracy.”


That is not a democracy!

After the Allies had agreed that Berlin would no longer be Germany’s capital, in 1999 Germany’s government moved back from Bonne and into the rebuild Reichstag Parliament building in Berlin. Europe’s Prime Ministers now meet in Berlin. And although the Rape of Europe DVD was produced in 2004, it is still current today and has fuelled the spiritual warfare to get Britain out of the European Union. David Hathaway is The Lord’s man for Russia, Europe, and Israel. The DVD is available at or call +44 (0) 1924 453693. It is the story of the Roman god Zeus, and how he saw a beautiful Phoenician woman called Europa. He then transformed himself into a handsome white bull with large crescent horns, seduced her, and ran off with her into the sea. She bore a son and was granted the title “Queen of Heaven” and given a garland of 12 stars! Hence, the name Europe, and “The Woman on the Beast”. Here comes the weakness of the Iron of Rome trying to mix with the clay of mankind. But Iron will not mix with clay!

The Roman Emperor Constantine (around AD325) was falsely inspired to mingle the worship of pagan Roman gods with what he understood to be Christianity; “The worship of saints and angels”. Both of which are abominations and a head-on clash with The True Faith of Scripture. Which totally prohibits the worship demons, saints, or angels. Constantine called an assembly of the ‘church leaders’ and the pagans to thrash out a solution. They tackled all sorts of doctrines, especially the Eucharist, or communion table. In which the Scripture says, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood there is no life in you”. Which even some believers find difficult to comprehend. And they even challenged “The Divinity of Christ Our Lovely Messiah!” After much heated discussion a ‘miraculous reconciliation’ was found. The pagans were willing to worship their deities under new names that were compatible with the names of saints worshiped by the so-called ‘Christians’.


The real believers were first called “Christians” in Antioch because they followed Jesus who was The Christ! This reconciliation, which was “thought impossible” was achieved through the supernatural powers of Mithras. Mithras was the central pillar of Roman religion. A multi-breasted female deity that was endued with the power to reconcile the unreconcilable! This was a bigger heist than The Great Train Robbery. And “church order and government” were relegated to bishops, cardinals, and priests, referred to as fathers.

Another Great NO, NO.

The God Appointed Order in The Church

1 Corinthians 12:27-28.

“Now you are The Body of Christ and are Members individually. 

And The Lord has appointed these in The Church:  

First apostles. 

Second prophets. 

Third teachers. 

After that Miracles! 

Then Gifts of Healings. 



and Varieties of Tongues.”

“DO NOT BE DECEIVED. For we have not followed cunningly devised fables!

But were Eyewitnesses of His Majesty on the Mount of Transfiguration”.

We also heard the voice from Heaven,

“This is My Beloved SON. IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED.” 

In the Scriptures there are many exhortations To Adhere to The Truth. One of my favourites is, “Always be ready with an answer for The Very Definite HOPE that we have in Christ Jesus.”

Here is a lovely test to see if you are getting the Real Thing. 

In Matthew 11, after Our Messiah had finished instructing the Twelve Disciples, He too went to teach and preach in the cities around them, having power over evil spirits to Cast them OUT, to Heal All Kinds of Sickness, and All Kinds of Disease, as He had given them. When John, who by this time was in prison, heard about the Amazing Works of Christ, he too sent disciples to ask,

“Are you really The Coming One. Or do we look for another?”

Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John, My Beloved cousin, the things which you hear and see. The blind See and the lame Walk. Lepers are Cleansed and the deaf Hear. The DEAD are RAISED and the POOR have the Gospel preached to them. And BLESSED are they who are not Offended because of Me doing these things!”

Our Messiah also said to the multitudes, 

“What exactly did you go out to see in the Wilderness?

A weak thing like a reed that can be shaken by the wind, or a man in fine soft clothing, such as are in kings’ courts. Or a man in ministerial robes and a dog collar?”

“No! You went to see a Prophet. Yes!”

“And I tell you, John was more than a Prophet (of which your fathers killed all except Elijah). This John is he of whom it is Written, “Behold I send My Messenger to you in person. He WILL PREPARE The Way of repentance and baptism for you.” Among those born of women, there is none Greater than John the Baptist. And if you are willing to receive it, he is the Elijah who is prophesied to come!”

I have read that the emperor Constantine and his devout mother Helena were committed Christians. But again, DO NOT BE DECEIVED. I have read the history and seen the documents, and Constantine only received “The Roman sprinkling of holy water” on his death bed. Sprinkling is not the “michva” full immersion baptism of Scripture. Figuratively baptism is, “Buried with Christ in Baptism and raised to new Life in Him.” His mother Helena is the one credited with finding a piece of the cross 300 years after the event, and established the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on what she though was “the site of Our Messiah’s crucifixion and burial”. It was placed on the hill due West of the Mount of Olives. This is a totally false alignment. At Helana’s time Jerusalem had been rebuilt as the Roman city of Anatolia. The site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was then aligned with the ruins of The Golden gate and the Roman Temple of Jupiter on Mount Moriah. The original Jewish Holy Temple had been flattened completely in the AD 70 destruction. Fortunately, the rubble of that destruction is visible today in the Geological Park, where the rubble of that destruction had filled the steep sided valley and preserved a good part of The Western Wall and the First Century Street that runs at the base of the Western Wall.

The more valid site of the crucifixion and Garden Tomb is The Place of The Scull. Called in Hebrew Golgotha. This is as The Scriptures say, “On the sides of the North” just a hundred yards East of Damascus Gate. It is now a Palestinian Bus Station and fruit market, so the view of The Skull is not easy to photograph. However, it can be seen clearly from the top of the Damascus Gate as part of The Walk on the Walls Tour. And there is also a Viewing Platform in The Garden Tomb complex.


There were further counsels, edicts, and diets to reinforce the Roman now Catholic, umbrella like purpose to include all manner of doctrines, sometimes at The Very High Cost of Scriptural Truth and the Freedom to Serve Christ that it generates.

The fall and defeat of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD was accomplished by the Germanic Tribes (from the north) in Rome itself. But the Empire was not rebuilt there where it was defeated, as others preceding it had been. It moved to Germany and today can be seen exercising power in Berlin, Brussels, The Hague in Holland, and Strasbourg in France. Rome had never been successful against the Germanic Tribes, partly because of the difficult and forested terrain. Which did not permit the Romans to advance in their usual orderly columns on good open roads, or to camp securely in wooden forts for the nights. They lost a whole division in the forests and never again tried to cross the border into Germany forcefully.

Any divergence from the Truth of Scripture is termed “a schism” and “there should be NO SCHISM in The Body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:25) This is said in the context of the Body of Christ being composed of not one member but many. So that, just like our own bodies, we need all the members to function properly. We need eyes, ears, fingers, toes, legs to walk on, and arms to hold and to hug in the natural. But in the Spiritual Body of Christ, we also need various Gifts of The Spirit to function as He did in demonstrating the Authority and Unity of The Faith. So, the West cannot and should not say to the East, “We don’t need you.” And yet the Roman insistence on the whole church to continue in a huge mixture of beliefs led to a succession of ecclesiastical and theological differences and disputes between the Greek Eastern Orthodox and the Latin Catholic West. Which, over the centuries, became a Formal Schism. The East-West Schism also called The Great Schism of 1058. And from a Scriptural Point of View, the Catholic West in Rome was declaring itself “A Split from The Body of Christ!”

How did this come about?

In 1053 the Greek churches in southern Italy were forced to conform to Latin Vatican practices and if any of them did not, they were forced to close. In retaliation, the Eastern Patriarch of Constantinople ordered the closure of all Latin churches. In 1054, the papal legal division travelled to Constantinople to refuse the Patriarch his title and insisted that he recognize the pope’s claim to be the head of all of the churches. But the main purpose of the papal legation was to arrange a common military campaign by the Eastern and Western Empires against the Normans, who had conquered southern Italy. “A bit close to home maybe.” The Latin Schism was now saying, “Look, we need you after all” making the existence of The Formal Schism even clearer. Several attempts at reconciliation did not bear fruit, and the two patriarchs ended up excommunicating one another! An updated Vatican form of death sentence.

So, although the Roman Military and Civil Empire was defeated in AD 476 its interest in holding territory and political power continued in the small enclave of Rome now known as the Vatican City. Since it is now no longer under the jurisdiction of the Italian government. But brings the so-called church under the jurisdiction of Papal Rule. The term City State is another pagan concept that has been enacted since Ancient times. In particular in the Canaanite nations that were ordered to be “Driven out” by the Children of Israel.

Yes, the appointment of a Pope with the power of Papal Edicts gradually took over the organisation of the church and The Lord’s commandments. So much so that today the ‘World view and concept of Christianity’ is that of Roman Catholic. One of the most sinister Papal Edicts was “The Selling of Absolutions”Pre-Paid Permission to Sin!

This is just one edict that caused the catholic priest and biblical scholar Martin Luther to seriously question the doctrines of Rome on Ninety-Five Issues!

Martin Luther

Our recent English versions of The Scriptures have their origins in the protestant movements like that of Luther which, by popular support in Germany sought a more precise interpretation of the doctrines of Christ. Luther was a dedicated and popular character in the German Catholic pulpits of the time. But he did not remain popular with Rome! A qualified Catholic priest, Luther had struggled for some time with the Roman doctrine of “Salvation by good works”. And on a pilgrimage to the Vatican City of Rome had seen first-hand the contradiction between the oaths of “poverty, obedience, and piety” demanded of its followers and the splendour and wealth exhibited by the Vatican and its internal hierarchy. He exposed the hypocrisy of “selling absolutions” and many other things not consistent with The Latin Scriptures. He was summoned to a Roman assembly called a Diet to present to the Roman authorities his objections. And presented his observations of a serious divergence from “Salvation By Faith in the Jewish Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth” as portrayed in their own canon of Scripture! But he was rejected as a heretic!

The invention of the printing press began to make news and books readily available to the general public. This put the Vatican under pressure to preserve their ‘elite’ attitude to The Latin Scriptures. And to this day Scriptures and prayers are still performed in Latin. A language that is mostly lost to ‘the man in the street’.

However, this issue was not allowed to reach a proper academic conclusion. 

The rejection of Luther coincided with another Reformation. That of “Works of Art” and the so-called “Age of Enlightenment”. It was very decorative and popular, and Rome, being rather grand in architecture and colour too, took up the challenge to remain “popular and attractive” to its followers. This is the source of the “Masterpieces” such as we see in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican.

The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the apostolic Palace, the official residence of the pope in the Vatican City. The chapel takes its name from Pope Sixtus IV, who restored it between 1473 and 1481.

“Seeing is believing” for these paintings and Frescos express an almost true image of God in man. You can see the life and emotion in their faces and eyes. 

They even illustrate Judgement Day with angels and demons at work in the Harvest of Souls. This is the background picture of the platform where popes are crowned.


Mary Queen of Heaven in Rome with a garland of stars on her head and a dragon at her feet!

There is also a Huge stone dragon poised over a half circular pool of water on the Museum and garden side of the Basilica of Saint Peter. Once visible from a window on the way to the Sistine Chapel which overlooked the gardens. Sadly, these reformation works of art also include the heretical “Mary Queen of Heaven” with her garland of twelve stars, many statues of Christ Crucified, and many images and figures of the historically great men of God deemed to be saints by the Catholic hierarchy. These are both in direct disobedience to Our Messiah’s command,

“Erect No Graven Image of Me” and “Do not worship angels or men as saints. They are your fellow Brethren.”

Many images and icons depict “The Madonna and child.” But this is not “The Virgin Mary with her baby Jesus.” It is Horus the son, and his mother Isis. A pagan goddess of fertility who was around centuries before The Christ Child was born.

Another Roman idolatry is the huge black statue of Peter (more than double life-size). This statue was originally that of “Zeus the false Father of Roman gods.” The Romans, as did many other nations, had a plethora of gods of various functions. He is the one that saw an attractive Phoenician woman, Europa and transformed himself into a beautiful white bull with large Crescent-shaped horns and seduced her. She then gave birth to a son and was endued with the title “Queen of Heaven.” Hence, in Scripture she is known as “The Harlot” and “The mother of harlots”. And it is this statue of Zeus, now renamed Peter that is exhibited in the Vatican Basilica, and to which thousands of Catholic pilgrims come to worship and kiss his feet. The toes are almost worn out by this process.

And yet we know from Scripture that The Lord has many of His Own people in that Catholic System. But His exhortation to them is this –

“Come out of her, My People, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to Heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. For she says in her heart, “I sit as Mary Queen of Heaven and am no widow and will not see sorrow. Therefore, her plagues will come in one day — death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for Strong is The Lord God who Judges her.” This coming out could be a massive harvest of souls in these Last Days.

Here— another communication from Heaven, concerning Babylon, its wicked works, and interfering ways. 

Revelation Chapter 18.

After these things I saw another angel coming down from Heaven, having Great Authority, and The Earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “BABYLON THE GREAT is fallen, is fallen! And has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every Unclean and hated bird! For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.”

And I heard another voice from Heaven saying, “Come out of her, My People, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to Heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

This is one of the reasons why the Catholic scholars refused at first to include the Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ in their “Canon of Scripture”. When they eventually did include it they came up with another covering story so that their followers would not have to fear this Great Judgement of The Lord God of Israel. This covering story became the “Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory”. It basically says that “the gathering of the saints” occurs before The Great Tribulation. Clearly a contradiction of the prophesy given in the Canon of Scripture below.

Revelation 7:9-17. The Opening of The Sixth Seal.

After these things I looked, and behold, a Great Multitude which No One Could Number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before The Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

Then one of the elders asked, saying to me, “Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?”

I did not know, but I knew that he did. And he said to me,

“These are the ones who come out of The Great Tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in The Blood of The Lamb. Therefore, they are before the throne of God, and Serve Him day and night in His Temple. And He who sits on The Throne will dwell among them. They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat; for The Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

In brief: Where did this innumerable number of saints dressed in white robes come from? “These came out of The Great Tribulation and have made their robes WHITE in The Blood of The Lamb.”

I have researched the Pre-Tribulation Theory in many old book shops, because one of the first churches that I attended was heavily inclined to this theory, and I wanted to know its origin. There are many old religious books in existence. Sometimes whole rooms of them. The earliest threads of this theory that I found were dated the late 1800’s. About the time that other theories were taking hold of people’s minds. Those of Darwin’s “Origin of Species”, “The Theory of Evolution”, the “Big Bang! Theory”, and that of “Billions of Years” for very complex and intelligent life forms to evolve from simple singular cells that were somehow living in a Primordial Soup.

My first church was one of the Pentecostals and had a very real “Presence of The Lord” and a set of Ten Tenants of Faith which I took the time to work through and check with the Scriptures. No problem. I could agree with them all. But Pre-Tribulation Theory was an add-on that was not universally accepted, and hence it caused a “schism” – a split in some believers. It was not the only one. The regular tussle between Calvin and Arminian was also going on. But this was an easy one to resolve. Both doctrines had five points of doctrine nailed to their masts, and both agree on three of them. So why not take the middle line of agreement and avoid the points of contention?

The apostle Paul says that “The Law was added because of transgression. For where there is no law how can there be sin against it?” Indeed, if there was a Law that could give life, it would have been given. So, The Law was given to identify sin and to provide a sacrifice and remedy for it.

This is that Remedy from Romans Chapter 8:

There is therefore now No Condemnation to those who are IN Christ Jesus

who do NOT Walk according to the flesh,

but according to The Spirit of Holiness.

For The LAW of The Spirit of LIFE IN Christ Jesus


from The LAW of Sin and DEATH.

For what The LAW could NOT DO in that it was weak through the flesh,


by Sending HIS OWN SON in The Likeness of SINFUL FLESH,

ON ACCOUNT OF SIN: He Condemned SIN in the flesh so that The Righteous Requirement of The LAW might be fulfilled IN US who do NOT walk according to the flesh but according to The Fruit of The Holy Spirit who is IN US.

For those who live according to the flesh SET Their MINDS on the things of the flesh, but those who LIVE according to The Spirit,



But TO BE SPIRITUALLY MINDED IS LIFE AND PEACE, because The Carnal Mind is at ENMITY against GOD, for it is NOT Subject to The LAW of GOD, NOR INDEED CAN IT BE!

SO THEN, those who are in the flesh CANNOT PLEASE GOD!

But You are NOT in the flesh but in The Spirit,

if indeed The Holy Spirit of GOD Dwells in You.

Now if anyone does not have The Spirit of Christ, he is NOT HIS.

And if Christ IS IN YOU, The Body is DEAD because of SIN

but The Spirit IS LIFE because of The Righteousness Imparted.


So, There IS A LAW of The Spirit of LIFE

IN Christ Jesus

and it has MADE ME FREE

from The LAW of Sin and DEATH.