This Page is about THE MIRACLES that Our Messiah has worked.
The FIRST Miracle is HUGE:
Our Jewish Messiah is also “The CREATOR of ALL THINGS”
This is revealed in THE VERY FIRST VERSE of “THE VERY FIRST BOOK of MOSES.” The book is called GENESIS and literally means (in Hebrew) “In the Beginning.” These are the opening Words:
“In The Beginning GOD Created The Heavens and The Earth.”
“The Heavens above” are the First Miraculous Items on His Agenda.
We are all standing under Those Created Heavens. And:
“The Heavens Declare The GLORY of GOD. Their speech goes out in every language under the sun.”
This is closely followed by “The Earth below.”
We are now standing on the evidence of it. We could not have done this at first because “the whole Earth was covered by darkness and deep water!”
But here is the next Miracle:
“The Spirit of GOD was hovering over the face of the waters.”
‘hovering’ is not a Hebrew word. A better expression might be “moving and watching” for later in the accounts, in the early days of mankind, The Lord appoints “Watchers” to watch over His precious children.
There are many other passages of Scripture that endorse how The Heavens and The Earth came into beginning. Genesis Chapter One goes on to report the unfolding of a very logical, well thought out order of “Creating All Things In Just Six Days”
“And the evening and the morning were The First Day.”
And from this we see that these ‘Days’ are of 24 hours. A Day in Hebrew is Yom. As in “The Day of Atonement.” It is the One Day in the year (One Yom) that Aaron the High Priest in The Holy Temple in Jerusalem would take an offering into The Holy of Holies.
The Hebrew Astronomical Calendar was the first in all Creation. And is quite different from the later Roman versions. The Julian, used at the time of Christ, and later, the Gregorian by the Roman Emperor Gregory. The Hebrew calendar is set according to the precise movements of the sun, moon, and stars. The set orbits of the Heavenly bodies are the basis of His Divine Clock. The Temple in Jerusalem was aligned to the Spring and Autumn Equinox (times of Equal Day and Night).
In Paul’s Epistle to The Colossians, chapter 1:9-23, he says this of his Messiah and their faith in Him:
“For this reason, we do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that You may be Filled with The Knowledge of HIS Will, in all Wisdom and Spiritual Understanding. That You may Walk Worthy of The LORD, fully pleasing Him, and being fruitful in every Good Work and increasing in The Knowledge of God, strengthened with all Might according to His Great Glorious Power, for all patience and long-suffering with Joy! Giving Thanks to The Father who has Qualified US to be “Partakers of the Inheritance of The Saints!”
He has delivered us from The Power of Darkness and Translated US into The Kingdom of His Love, in whom we have Redemption through His Blood.
Yes, The Forgiveness of Sins!
This is The Greatest MIRACLE in all Creation:
The Forgiveness of Sins.
Through this miracle of Love and forgiveness we can now see and appreciate that He, Jesus The Son of God, is also “THE EXPRESS IMAGE of The Invisible God.” For by HIM all things were Created! That are in Heaven and on The Earth, visible or invisible, whether Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers. All things were Created through Him and for Him. And He is before All Things, and in Him ALL THINGS ARE HELD TOGETHER.
And He is The Head of The Body, The Church, who is The Beginning, the Firstborn from The Dead, that in All Things He may have The Pre-eminence.
And You, who once were Alienated and Enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has Reconciled in The Body of His flesh through His death on the Cross, to present You Holy and Blameless and above reproach IN HIS SIGHT.
if indeed You continue in The Faith. Grounded and Steadfast and not moved away from this Hope of The Gospel, which is preached to Every Creature Under Heaven.”
And this Word that was Preached was CONFIRMED by The LORD with
“Signs and Wonders FOLLOWING.”
We will see more of His Creation and Signs following in the next few Pages.
Link to: The Genesis Account